Sunday, April 18, 2021

Looks like I might have found Lisa. I couldn’t find her on Pinterest, and Instagram allows for such limited words in messages for when I eventually share a piece of my mind with her and her sick mother and sisters. I didn’t want to message her on Skype and put the idea in her mind to look for Tom there to complain to.

Instead, I found an easier way to get in touch with her anonymously that she’s more likely to see, assuming it’s really her who’s working at this massage and beauty center in Groton, Connecticut. At first, I didn’t think it was her but then I studied the picture closer and I think it is. Besides, how many Lisa Gs could there possibly be in Groton, Connecticut? Anyway, it appears she’s now a licensed esthetician. She does beauty treatments and gives massages. Spa-type stuff.

The only thing I was a little skeptical about in her bio was the part where she mentioned her grandmother being a role model to her and telling her when she was young that she should get up and put on her makeup and do her hair no matter what because when you look good, you feel good.

But what grandmother would that be? As far as I knew, the girls didn’t get along with Bill’s mother any more than mine. My mother did favor her out of the three of them and she was appearance-obsessed but that doesn’t seem like any advice she would give her. So if it’s Lisa, she’s not talking about my mother. I just never would have thought Bill’s mother would be considered a role model to anyone due to the way I always heard that she was such a bitch. The termite said that in some ways she was worse than our mother. That’s pretty damn bad!

The only other thing I thought was weird was that she trained in Boston. Why would she go all the way to Boston for training?

As a test, in the comments section, I asked if she had sisters named Becky and Sarah because I went to school with them. Of course I provided a bogus email. It will be interesting to see if it gets a response in her comments section. It’s one of those things that doesn’t show up immediately but is awaiting moderation.

Her or not, and I’m thinking it is, I will share a piece of my mind with her as well when we leave. The thing is I can’t re-block her crazy sisters and mother for 72 hours after I unblock them so I just have to hope to hell that during those three days of all days, they don’t go looking for me. The plan is to unblock them three days before I contact them, make the contact, and then immediately re-block them. After I do that, I’ll probably deactivate for a few days.

Got up to 90 degrees here today.

What is it with this fucking 3:00 AM commercial plane lately? Every night at 3:00 AM like clockwork it’s been flying over. Very loudly too. It’s well over a minute before the sound fades out completely.

Anyway, no nighttime walking for me anymore! With the weather warming up, the skunks are more active than ever. Had quite a scare when we both went out earlier. It wasn’t even 9:00 yet when we were walking down Astro. As we were walking behind Bob and Virginia’s place, I looked at the wall of their place and thought I was seeing the shadow of my head following me. But then that shadow appeared to move in the opposite direction and I could see the white stripe. So I turned and ran the other way.

Fucking bastards are everywhere now! I can smell them in here at night at times. Again, never lived anyplace like this before. Never before were there so many skunks, planes, projects, loud traffic, excessive landscaping, etc.

Started the black cohosh tablets. I don’t know if it’s going to do anything to prevent hot flashes or anxiety but I’ll find out soon enough. I confirmed with Kim that she takes one tablet in the morning and one at night. Sometimes she may accidentally take three if she’s not sure if she remembered to take it earlier but doesn’t worry about it because it’s a low dose.

My weight is once again pushing upward as I’ve been eating horribly lately. Too much processed food and sugary treats. If I don’t put my foot down I’ll just keep steadily climbing all my life with my thyroid being the way it is, and I’m not ready to gain indefinitely until he’s around 80. Then I’ll know I won’t have much time to have to deal with it. I still don’t give a shit about my appearance but I don’t see the “beauty” in obesity and why it’s more celebrated and praised these days when it poses such health risks. While I don’t agree with fat-shaming, there’s nothing healthy about being fat and it certainly doesn’t help one’s range of mobility either. I hate to say this and it may sound gross but honestly, I don’t see how the hell the termites can wipe their own asses. Whether you find big people attractive or not, it doesn’t do the least bit of good for the cholesterol and blood pressure or much of anything else.

I can only lose a few pounds but I can also stop from gaining, so back to three meals a day I go that are about 400 calories each with no snacks in between or wine or anything like that. I’ve also been slacking off on exercising which is part of the problem too, so I’m ramping that back up. I’m jogging at 4 MPH on the treadmill for one minute every hour until I get too tired to do it, so I’ll get about 13 minutes of that today, plus my 15-minute vibration session. The 13 minutes of jogging will be similar to half an hour of walking. Eventually, I’ll do 2 minutes an hour.

I accidentally found an article that said Cheerios has been clinically proven to lower cholesterol. Decided that would make a good first meal. Even the box of Cheerios pictured on Walmart says it reduces cholesterol so we’ll see.

My second meal will be beans or chickpeas with fruit, and my third meal will be meat and veggies. This way, I’m only having meat with one meal and not getting as much cholesterol although I’ll occasionally throw in some eggs.

The mystery diamond painting I got today still isn’t much of a mystery if you can hold it up to the light and just make out the image. It’s a wolf. Wolves are just OK so maybe I’ll do this one for Eileen. We hardly talk but she’s made me stuff in the past and I think it would be something she’d like.

Andy’s desert painting is almost done. We’ve been getting along better than ever and I hope it stays that way! I’ve always looked up to him and seen him as a big brother of sorts. It was funny how he was telling me I’ve always been a loyal and honest friend.

I don’t know about that at times. Most of the time, yes. I try to be as loyal and honest as possible. But I did dump him twice for a total of 15 years, and I wasn’t always completely honest about some things but I have made a point of improving on these issues and I have.

Dad will be sent to his forever home at sunup. We’re going to bury the urn at the crack of dawn when we can hopefully do it without getting barked at and no one will be out and about yet to see what we’re doing. We’ll just have to listen to the planes. Imagine what the park would think if they knew human remains were buried here! LOL, I wonder if someone will dig it up in 100 years or so like if they bulldoze out all these houses, which will be old as hell then, to build a shopping mall or apartment complex or something like that. At least it shouldn’t be dug up while we’re still alive, not that we’re doing anything wrong.

My schedule is “half a roll” away from reaching out to the realtors! Getting exciting! Around the time I have my eye exam next Friday is when he’ll make contact. Still expecting a joke of an offer from the manufactured home buyers and to have to go through a traditional realtor, though. I just hope to hell it doesn’t take forever!

Apparently, not all land in Florida is flat. There’s a town called Brooksville we were looking at homes in and it’s surprisingly hilly. It’s south of Homosassa.

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