Friday, April 16, 2021

We won’t know how much swimming and biking we’ll be able to do until we know exactly where we’re going but it would be cool to do a different form of exercise every day. Yoga one day, then the treadmill, then the vibration platform, biking, swimming, Bowflexing, etc.

Today we traded in barking for motorcycle engine gunning. And of course the planes and helicopters are the usual annoyance. Tom’s right. What I know isn’t what the rest of the world is. It’s only what keeps following me from place to fucking place. It’s just a question of whether or not I have two sources of annoyances or many annoyances as we do here. I swear I’m not meant to have a peaceful place to live. It’s like it simply isn’t meant to be no matter what. I still think - and hope - that we can at least do better than this since every place I’ve lived before this has been quieter. The only place not quieter was jail.

But if we can get out of the fly zone and do away with the planes and copters, then I can take my nights back. Also, if we can get away from the street, then I don’t have to worry about my sleep being disrupted by traffic. Definitely not gonna get any sleep tomorrow because the bulk pick-up people didn’t come today. I’m hoping they and the regular pick-up will come tomorrow so I can get that much over with on the same day. Then it’s just the motorcycles they have to worry about.

In Googling this address to see where else it may come up for free, I found a list of residents on the street and “Geri” is actually Gerry A. Found her on Facebook although she doesn’t appear to have posted anything in a few years. Good, though, because then I can give her a piece of my mind about her rudeness where the dog is concerned after we’re gone.

The question is when that will be. We both believe we’re not going to have any luck with the manufactured home buyers. They’re probably gonna make some joke off an offer like 40K. If that’s the case, then people are even dumber than I gave them credit for if they think anyone’s going to be OK with an amount that low.

I know we’ll be stuck having to go through a traditional realtor because things never come easy to us. We never get any breaks. We always have to take the longer, harder path, and if I’m right about something wanting me to be in noisy places, it sure as hell isn’t gonna let me out of here that easily.

Chatted with Andy a bit and got a couple of quick messages from Aly which weren’t good. They haven’t started chemo yet because they had to intubate her. I had to look up what that was too. She feels totally hated and like she just can’t get better the way she should.

I don’t blame her either! She is as cursed with health issues as I am with noise but I’m sure she would trade places with me in a heartbeat if she could. The biggest thing I dread is the return of the anxiety and I know damn well it’s gonna be back anytime now. I would rather have to have a tube shoved down my throat than be anxious and have those shitty emotions that are hard to describe.

I woke up many times but last time around it wasn’t due to traffic. I woke up to pee, just because, and I had a nightmare as well.

In the dream, I was sitting at a table in an apartment building or a hotel when I noticed my hands begin to tremble. My heart started beating funny too, and I felt myself beginning to panic. I stepped outside the room and into a hallway where I was intent on waking up Tom. But then I told myself to be brave and handle it on my own as I stumbled off and into some kind of furniture showroom that was attached to the building.

There was a group of three or four girls in their late teens to early 20s that began heckling me about whatever as I studied a double bed with a frilly quilt that had a nightstand on one side and a rocking chair with a large Victorian doll on the other. I asked if the bedroom set was for sale and then I saw a price tag of $98. LOL

I wanted to stay and face the girls and their bullying but because I felt so horrible, I just wasn’t up to it. I went back to our place and found that to shut the door, I had to hit one of a series of buttons and it would close much like an elevator door. I just couldn’t remember which button it was and began to get extremely nervous, fearing I wouldn’t get the door shut before the girls caught up to me. So I quickly hit each button on the panel until the door began to slide shut just as a light came on further down the hall signaling that the girls were catching up to me. The doors slid shut and I plopped down on the bed and let out a long breath of relief as I said, “Thank you, God.”

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