Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Rockefeller has been adopted, yay! So that took 3.5 weeks. I hope Blitz gets his own forever home soon! I can’t help but wonder who got him and where he’ll be living. Will he be in a home with adults only or will there be children as well? Will it be a house or an apartment? What kind of schedule will the people there have? I wondered about these things along with how much experience they’ve had with guinea pigs.

I feel so horrible for Aly. It not only turns out that the mass was cancerous but she needs chemo eventually as well. She also needs kidney stones removed. She’s had breathing/coughing issues as well and doesn’t know when she’ll be discharged. She still has fluid in her stomach that they remove. She feels like an idiot for believing her doctor was right in that it was all on her liver and is now paying the price for it. She will too if she goes after her which she says she likely will.

Yeah, good luck with that. I hope to hell she does but sadly, I doubt it will do any good. It’s like trying to go after a cop or a lawyer. They are seen as superior in society and as these little gods of sorts, and I think it will be hard to prove negligence. She would have to prove that the doctor purposely, recklessly, knowingly, and intentionally misdiagnosed her. Yet all the doctor has to do is say she tried her very best and really believed her diagnosis was correct. Then it will be written off as human error.

The mystery diamond painting came today only it turns out that it’s not much of a mystery after all. I thought I was getting one of the ones with a blank white canvas but nope. The only difference with this one is that they don’t tell you what it is up front and you don’t know until you receive it. You can see the image once you open the package. With the mystery painting I thought I was getting, you don’t know what it is until it’s completed. Fortunately, though, I do like the image. It’s a pretty village scene with sailboats peeking through trees in the background.

I also thought I was getting two paintings. In one part of the description, they made it sound like it was two, and in another, we weren’t sure. Amazon needs to hire editors for those who can’t fucking write.

The last set of nail strips came and I don’t think they’ll be an issue at all. Out of the first two I got, one set sucks because they’re too stiff and not sticky enough while the other is of much better quality. I have the pink roses against a white background on now, and as small as my nails are, you can still tell what it is.

The glitter topcoat I last got is too scattered so I ordered some glitter from Walmart to add to it. It’s extra fine pink glitter. I also ordered a set of 6 neon glitter shakers to sprinkle on a still wet clear thin topcoat. The idea is for it to stick to it and dry up that way, and then I’ll go over it with a thick coat of topcoat. It will reinforce the stickers and add a nice touch to the ones that are on the dull side.

Tom has been working hard on the prep work. He took apart the desk in the living room and spent all day yesterday packing up the storeroom and pulling out stuff to go out in the bulk trash collection. My schedule sucks right now because that means I’m definitely going to be woken up twice this week. Tomorrow I go to the lab so luckily they’ll be coming after that’s done.

Thought someone with a motorcycle moved in nearby because I heard it 3 fucking times yesterday. However, neither of us has heard it today.

I don’t know about the planes and daily landscaping but I still worry that the motorcycles are a life sentence that began when we moved in here. I don’t know how common petless, motorcycleless parks are in Florida but somehow I doubt they’re all that common.

Even so, we would still prefer to be in a gated park because it’s safer. If we’re out in the mainstream we’re open to even more trouble and more noise. I don’t want to add the screaming kids, boom car stereos, and dogs barking round the clock into the mix and be more at risk of a break-in.

Just like I’ve learned I’m not alone as far as menopause goes, I also don’t seem to be alone as far as being annoyed by how loud things are from motorcycles to boom car stereos. The problem is that it’s like with all the rogue cops we’ve got running around these days. People are more than happy to complain but no one’s willing to actually do anything about it.

Geri’s dog sometimes sticks its head through the picket fence and silently stares at me when I’m outside but doesn’t bark nearly as much as dogs in other places I’ve lived in. The dog down the street in the other picket fence was going off. I wonder if that one is left out there during the day. It seems to be. Geri’s is probably out more often than I realize too, just not at night.

I not only had the strangest dream about Doc A last night but I seemed to dream about her all night long. I just don’t remember all the dreams except for the one where she confessed to liking me.

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