Saturday, April 24, 2021

Narrowly escaped a need for eye drops! My OH is still just under the mid-20s (it shouldn’t be over 21). If it climbs just a little more, they’ll have to start me on drops to relieve the pressure to prevent glaucoma and do who knows what else to me? She said there’s no way to know for sure if they’re going to get worse or not. I still have good peripheral vision and my optic nerve is healthy. That’s what’s most important.

So after grabbing a few things before leaving Sam’s Club, we dropped Andy’s envelope in a mailbox and headed home. Then we order three pairs of glasses for me from Zenni. Purple glasses for reading/drilling, floral glasses for working, and pink progressive glasses for going out in public. They came to $158. I’m also getting a free blue light because I got a blue light blocker for the pair I’ll use for the computer. I guess it’s so that you can see how well it works.

The progressives will be tinted.

Tom found that the dryer’s hose was never properly clamped to the hose leading underneath the house. I’m surprised we didn’t have a million bugs of all kinds constantly in that room. Anyway, he got a new hose for it that is secure.

Could have sworn I heard someone sawing yesterday but it didn’t seem loud enough to be coming from Dahl’s place. That shit’s so common around here, though, that it could have come from anywhere.

I feel so bad for Aly because not only has she had cancer yet again and has to go through chemo again even if it’s a slightly different kind, but now she also has a stomach stoma for the rest of her life to have to live with. From what I read, it’s common with Crohn’s. Crohn’s is what damaged her colon and why she’ll always have the stoma. She needs colostomy bags that will have to be changed several times a day. I can’t swear to this and I’m certainly not going to come out and ask her but I guess she’ll never poop again from her butt but out through this bag instead, and I guess it’s not as firm as what comes out of our asses. I guess it’s more like a liquid. I’ve seen pictures of people with stomach stomas and it’s kind of gross. Looks like someone cut the end of an uncooked sausage off and stuck it to their stomachs. It’s toward the side of the stomach below the belly button. I guess that’s where the colon ends and they lift it toward the surface of the skin. Or just above it. What a shitty thing to have to live with for the rest of your life, especially when you’ve got another 45 years or so left to live.

I also worry and wonder about what she’s going to do for work since she’s a little too old for any kind of a real career in teaching. I guess she’ll just have to take whatever she can get for the most part.

Getting a bidet has spoiled me and I hate the thought of having to do without one for a while, especially for shitting. The portable one is good for peeing but not much good for shitting. That’s when it hit me that I oughta lose a couple of pounds and then let myself be stuck a lot. I still say it’s my body rebelling against weight loss and not that I’m low on fiber. My diet always includes fiber. Besides, it can’t be a coincidence that it always does it as soon as 2 pounds come off. But this would be a good thing to take advantage of until we get the bidet hooked up. The weight will eventually reset itself and I’ll start going again but then I’ll just keep going with the 1100-1300 calories and keep getting stuck every time I lose those two pounds.

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