Wednesday, July 16, 2003

We ended up having quite a windstorm last night which, of course, meant having to take more of the neighbor’s trash. The Mexibums have a piece of cardboard hung up on their fence which will no doubt make it over here soon enough to remain snugly caught in one of our trees. Better that than music, since I know I’m not allowed to live anywhere where the neighbors don’t do something.

The only mail I got today was a religious booklet. Knowing Mary likes stuff like that, I sent it to her, but I don’t know if it’ll make it to her. I’ll scan it if it doesn’t.

I called Ashton and they confirmed that the ornaments were shipped on the 15th.

The beauty supply people called to tell me they shipped my stuff on the 14th.

I woke up at 122, I’m quite shocked to say. Tom just started taking these vitamins, too.

He says my July 22nd job vibe might be right because there’s this big company called Abbott’s in Casa Grande that’s got a lot of positions open. They deal with medical stuff, I guess. I just hope my pay vibe isn’t right, though, I know God loves to sic setbacks on us. It’s just that while $8 an hour may not be literally half the $16 an hour he was making when you consider taxes, but would still be a huge pay cut.

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