Sunday, September 28, 2003

After taking yesterday off, which Trimlife recommended, I gained back the two pounds I lost. Almost, anyway. I’m like half a pound under where I first started. At first I was like, look, just give it up. You can’t lose weight and there’s no point in losing weight you’ll only gain right back anyway, so just accept yourself as you are.

But then I thought about it and realized that it’s my fault I didn’t lose a significant amount because I simply didn’t work hard enough. I set my standards too low by assuming I could lose weight on 1000-1200 calories a day with one day a week off and with working out just a few times a week. I’m sure I could in my 20s, but at this day and age, I really think my best bet would be to eliminate food altogether and jog for a good 20 minutes or so every day till I get the weight off, then I can up it to eating every other day to keep the weight off. One might think it unhealthy to not eat, but with the kick-ass vitamins I take, plus lots of water, I’m not losing any nutrients. The only thing I’d be losing would be calories. Besides, if something is wrong with my thyroid, then that’s all the more reason I need to push myself harder and work harder. If I don’t do something now, I’ll never stop gaining. My problem goes behind the typical I-can’t-lose-weight problem. Not being able to keep from gaining is more like my problem. Especially if I think I can ever have 1500-2000 calories a day. If I were either younger or of average height, then I could, but not at this age and height. Meanwhile, if I just don’t open my mouth and put food in it, then sooner or later my weight’s got to come down, wacky thyroid or not.

In better news, I won a ballerina Barbie yesterday for $25 total. She’s coming from a smoke-free home in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

I’m not going to be getting the Kate picture I ordered because they no longer have it. They offered me a 10% discount on anything else I may want, but I decided not to bother. I could get the picture from another place, but I guess I just don’t really want it all that bad.

If I don’t hear from Rosa by the end of this coming week, then I’ll assume she didn’t get the letter. I can’t imagine her not writing back if she did get it.

We decided to go on eBay on Wednesday with one item to start with to see how it goes and have it end over the weekend. So we’ll run Samantha for 5 days.

We’re each going to join a casino from our own logins through Memolink. I just joined the Desert Dollar and am awaiting their approval. We had to scan my ID for them. Once I’m approved, I’ll have over 9000 points, plus $50 to start gambling with.


Got an email from Trimlife. They wanted to verify what group I was in. They say that 50% of the people lose 7-10 pounds and end up in Group A. Figures I’m not in that group. Group B is for 30% of the people. They end up losing 3-6 pounds. Group C, which I just had to qualify for, only loses 2 pounds or less.

For qualifying for Group C, they recommend doubling my Trimlife dose and drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day. That much doesn’t surprise me. What does surprise me is that they recommend only a moderate workout of just 15-20 minutes, 4-5 times a week. I thought they’d tell me to work out every day till I dropped. They also surprised me by recommending rice, potatoes and pasta. I can see the chicken, fish, turkey and lean beef, though, and I can see avoiding bread, pop, salty and high-fat foods like they recommend.

I know I said I wouldn’t get it without at least a 5-pound loss, but I really believe the stuff will give me the strength I need to starve, just like the Nicorette gave me the strength I needed to quit smoking.

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