Gee, it would have been just 55 days left with the freeloaders – ha, ha, ha! Oh, how I hope I never hear from them again! I still worry about that, but most of all, I wonder when and where the next place I’ll be stuck in will be. That’s the biggest worry.
You know, I can truly see how those who didn’t know me, who made their judgments based solely on the journals I sent the freeloaders would think I was the antagonizer and that they were the victims. Especially what with how I used race as a weapon. It’s like men who rape, for instance. It’s not about sex for them, it’s about violence, though sex happens to be the weapon. For me, it wasn’t about their color, but about their antics in which I used race as a weapon to further lash out against them when giving them a piece of my mind since I had promised Tom not to lay a hand on them. Normally I’d say that using words was much more appropriate than using fists, but not in that case! Not in that case. How I wish I’d beaten the snot out of that black bitch when she came to our door with her histrionics! I should’ve done that, called the pigs like everyone else does when they have a problem with someone, then claimed self-defense. We were, after all, on our property. I don’t know if a Jew’s word would be taken over that of a non-white, but I should’ve tried, should’ve done something. If I had to go to jail I should’ve at least earned my way in there.
I guess something must want me on days. I slept till noon yesterday so I thought I’d sleep till then or later today, but nope. I was up at 8:30 after just 5½ hours of sleep.
Meanwhile, to my utter shock and delight, I just may be making money after all, though, not a steady income and not much. That’d be okay, though. More is always better, but something’s also better than nothing at all. It’s too soon to tell how it’s going to be. It may take a week or two before I get emailed survey links which will earn me more cash/points than what I’ve been earning so far. With most of the sites I spent hours signing up at, all I can do now is sit back, wait, and hope for the best. Some give cash prizes and others let you earn points for certificates at stores and restaurants. I wish I’d signed up for this before ordering from Yves because one of the sites offers 12 points for every dollar you spend there. With a few of them, however, I could take little surveys for small amounts of points. On one site I already have 300 points. When I reach 8300, I’ll be able to snag their $50 Walmart certificate and get my fake palm tree!
Season one of Charlie’s Angels was released earlier this year on DVD and it’s only $25. I’m definitely going to get it at some point. It’s got 22 shows on 5 DVDs. I hope they release the remaining seasons Kate was in cuz I’d love to have them all. It was my favorite show and she was my favorite celeb so it’d be really cool to have.
The second of the three divas arrived yesterday and she’s even nicer than the first. Her shiny silver gown is really nice as are her silver glittery gloves.
By the end of this month, I hope to be back on eBay in search of the last diva or the other Barbie I want. I also hope my 9 Barbies make it in from CT on Monday. They might’ve arrived today, but Tom forgot to stop at the PO on his way back from the recycling center.
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