Thursday, February 28, 2008

Today yields another hopeless attempt to get Rhino to pay up, but also a $5.80 profit with the horses! What began a few days ago at $18 is now over $30 as we continue to double our bets at this one Florida track. At least something’s working out, and Tom’s going to see if he can do other tracks just as well to up the money even faster. Geniuses and psychics work well together! The question is, if Rhino never pays up, how long will it take the horses to get us a new vehicle and out of this damn room? Tom doesn’t think it’d take too long cuz each week we’ll be betting more if things continue to go well. As for Rhino, he suspects it may be a tax thing where Rhino’s concerned and they’re just waiting for March to send the checks to even the amount of monthly taxes out, but if that’s the case, then why won’t they just come out and say so? I don’t think they ever intended to pay. Some companies are like that, unfortunately. They don’t want to pay you, they just want to draw attention to themselves. Why such a big company would need to pull such a scam, though, beats me. Perhaps they’re just so greedy that enough is never enough for them. Other than not getting the 9K and being stuck here, the weather’s been gorgeous, in the low 70s.

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