Been having major connection issues, but our provider won’t do anything about it. They just tell us everything appears to be working ok. In truth, they don’t give a shit or care to do regular maintenance cuz they know they’re the only providers in the area and so people have no choice but to put up with their shit. Hopefully, the complaints will add up that they’ll get sick enough of hearing about it to actually do something about it. The service was once pretty reliable so there’s no reason it can’t be reliable again.
Tom’s also been getting tons of text and voice messages, but he just ignores them because that way we don’t have to pay for them. It’s just sales calls, thanks to my days of sweeping. I suppose some could be wrong numbers, but he doesn’t actually read or listen to anything he isn’t expecting from a particular person.
So I guess Andy will be calling any minute?
Well, the fact that Andy didn’t even have the decency to email me to let me know he couldn’t call today makes me wonder something. Like maybe he’s playing with me? I know he at least took the time to check out my blog, though he’ll never know it. grins devilishly
I know this is going to sound awfully funny – even paranoid – and it’s not something I’ll put online. But I wonder if now that I can journal for the world to see if that means nothing good will ever happen to me again for sure just so whatever’s up there can keep me from having a fun and easy way of bragging about it. I mean good jobs, promotions, big wins – that sort of thing. I’ve often thought that too, how it was too bad I wasn’t winning like I used to since it would make for such great blogging material and things like that. But I don’t want to lie to give my blog more excitement either.
Andy just emailed me, so he didn’t forget me after all. He said he was busy exercising and making money at his newest hobby. Not surprisingly, he wouldn’t say what that was, but that’s ok. He doesn’t have to tell me anything he doesn’t want to. Anyway, he has a birthday party to attend tomorrow, so we’re going to talk tomorrow at 6:30 my time.
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