Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Before I get to Mary, Tom came home at his usual time after his usual 10-hour shift, totally exhausted. Too exhausted to gather numbers in local parks for homes that are for sale by owner/parks, which aren’t usually listed online. Oh, but nothing up there is trying to hold us back, right? God just LOVES us, right? He doesn’t want to see us living in someone else’s trashy trailer, and if I just dropped to my knees and asked to get out of here, He’d be quick to help push things along, right? Right? He didn’t mean for things to take so damn long any more than he meant for my mother to abuse me or for me to be legally screwed by my own perps, right? He’s oh so sorry He let all that happen.

rolls eyes In reality, Tom’s blood sugar was really low, so he found when he got home, and all he wanted to do was eat and go to bed. But after eating he felt a million times better. He suspects he had too many sugary snacks at work and didn’t eat enough real food, so he’ll make sure to grab something to eat on the way to do his park homework. Then whatever’s up there can interfere and delay things in other ways.

Today’s bank day. He’s going to see if he can qualify for a loan since he’s the one who’s 55 and therefore the one that needs to do this. The question is whether or not they do manufactured home loans in this area. If not, can he qualify for a personal loan? That’d be the next step. It may take a week before we find out.

I just wish he’d see about working just 8 hours a day. I understand that $21 an hour may make him more motivated, but his health is what’s more important. Besides, we can’t accomplish much if he’s always working or sleeping. Our total worth is over 20K and that’s for people who don’t own a place. Money’s nice, but we don’t really need any more at this time. We could live off our savings for a year.

But I’m getting fed up with all the delays, and if we don’t give notice next month, I’m either giving up or giving into another shitbox like this in a dumpier park that’ll take anyone. I’m tired of this shit month after month, but I’m not going to let whatever’s messing with our mission to find a home of our own win!

Got up this morning and checked in with Andy on Ask, then Nane on FB, who had me laughing my ass off (in a good way). I called her a maravilloso friend (marvelous) and she thought I was calling her a mariposa friend (butterfly). So I woke up to her laughing about being a Schmetterling friend, ROTFL. That one’s almost as funny as me accidentally putting the yellow in the wallet (gelb) instead of the money (geld) when I was studying on LM and she corrected one of my exercises.

So about Mary – I don’t know what the hell is going on, but thanks to Alison, I now know she didn’t deactivate her account, she blocked me. But why??? I really wish those who no longer want to be friends with me on FB would just unfriend me and leave it at that instead of blocking me because that only jeopardizes my account. I would think it would anyway. This is totally not like Mary. Not at all like the woman who always said I was like the sister she never had and how she’d never dump me. We were getting along fine, so what happened? Regardless of why she decided to kick me out of her life (though why send an invite from LinkedIn if she really did?) she could’ve at least told me what was going on.

Despite Mary’s odd behavior, I don’t feel betrayed. I still think something came up that has nothing to do with me and that I’ll eventually find out what it is. I messaged her victim’s advocacy page and emailed her, so we’ll see. Meanwhile, she’s an adult who has to do what she has to do.

Someone in Grand Prairie, TX has literally spent hours in my OD blog for days now, along with someone in Fountain Hills, AZ. It’s amazing! Lots of Arizona viewers on OD. I wondered if this was cause for concern, but if it were anyone connected to the blacks, why view that blog and not my others?

Still getting hits on my jail entries from various states, and lately there have been three from Glendale, AZ. Again, I wonder if it’s anything to worry about, and again I doubt it. I think they just Googled the jail. If anything about those entries could get me in trouble, why haven’t they already?

Again I have to remind myself I really do have the right to express myself. My rights were only violated because I didn’t know how to defend myself and my naivety to the law was taken advantage of. There was also a black person with friends in high places involved. But that was then and this is now.

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