Friday, April 12, 2013

I heard Jesse roar out on the Harley at 11:00. A few hours later I thought he was going to blow off installing a new cooler pump, but he came down at 3:30. I was glad too, cuz next week my schedule will be worse for him coming down, even though it’s to be cooler out.

“Do you know what today is?” I asked him.

He said, “No, what is today?”

“Today’s the day we moved in here half a decade ago.”

He was surprised it’s been that long. It’s kinda sad that we’ve been cramped in such a dump for so long, but it’s better than an apartment and I do love these woods when they’re not assaulted with the sounds of loud equipment/vehicles.

He’s gonna run his gravity-forced pipe to the cooler so that it gets that off the well, but he says I won’t hear him. He asked what my schedule would be next week cuz he’s got to spray more Round-Up, but if all he’s doing is just coming down with a spray bottle, I won’t hear that either. I’ll have the sound machine on so that if he farts, it won’t wake me up.

I talked to my German hottie again. She still makes me laugh. :)

Tammy’s message didn’t make me laugh. Just when I was more hopeful for her than ever, the CAT scan results now show that both lungs have worsened. They still can’t figure out why, but they do know that it’s obviously not going to magically get better on its own. So the next step is to do another biopsy, then a team of doctors will then decide what to do from there.

Let’s see what else… I swapped messages with Andy and Alison and that’s about it.


Ordered the groceries for tomorrow’s pick-up, then some goodies on Amazon. I always wondered how they made such perfect dots when doing various nail designs. Then I saw an ad for dotting and marbleizing pens and tons of nail designs that were awesome. Although my nails are usually long, I have small hands and so that means small nails with not much room to play around on. I couldn’t do all of the designs, but I could do some. So I jumped on Amazon and am getting a set of 5 pens that allows you to make dots and swirls, as well as some rhinestones and special tweezers to apply them with.

I also grabbed a couple of bottles of hologram nail polish by Color Club in Cloud Nine and Angel Kiss. It supposedly reflects a rainbow of colors, and you know me and my rainbows. I just love them, haha. The rainbow eyeshadow stickers I ordered last week should be at the mail place, along with my big bamboo plant’s fuchsia gemstones that I plan to plant it in. Tom will be picking that and the groceries up on the way home from work.

Because I didn’t sleep well last night as I was expecting the Jes pest to come down to fix his damn cooler, I hope to sleep long and well tomorrow. I probably won’t crash before 2am - 3am and I don’t expect to be up before noon.

For the longest time, I thought I’d leave a note behind when we left for the Jes pest all about how much he and his mutts have annoyed me over the years, but now I just don’t care. I just want to move and be done with this place altogether. If he asks why we’re moving I’ll be honest with him and tell him that while the dogs have been amazingly quiet lately except for when anyone comes up the drive, we’re sick of the lack of space. We want a newer, bigger place that’s ours.

I also didn’t come here to listen to so many saws, hammers and loud vehicles. I’m surprised shooting hasn’t been an issue all along, though it used to be back when some asshole around here once went target practicing. I’ll never forget that first gunshot blast that sent me flying off the bed and out of a sound sleep! I was pissed! I’m all for the right to bear arms in the name of self-defense, but go to a fucking range to practice, will ya?

It’s so funny how a simple box can bring these rats to life, haha. They were just sitting there till I threw in an empty chip box, figuring it’d be small enough to remove once they made a mess, and they started bouncing with joy. Like, “Ooh, look what we got!”

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