Sunday, April 14, 2013

Had a dream last night that Tom and I were flying on a plane. But the plane suddenly stalled in mid-air. So the captain announced that they were working on figuring out why the plane’s engine seized up and promised to get the plane moving again in no time. Until then, the flight attendants offered to “service” the passengers. At that time I realized that one of the attendants looked remarkably like Nane. I was pissed when I remembered I was on the rag.

I’m starting to wonder if I’m no longer psychic. Seriously. I haven’t had any moving dreams and the few I’ve had don’t add up to much.

We found a place in the best location yet in nearby Newcastle. It’s small and old but nice. What makes it so appealing is all the space around it. It’s more rural-like, but then again Newcastle is a lot like Auburn. I just worry that dogs may be allowed to live outdoors there and that they don’t have cable, so we’ll have to check that out.

There’s another place we’re watching that’s even smaller and in a typical park, but it’s got all-new carpet, flooring and appliances.

Lost a few pounds for no apparent reason, but they’ll be back soon enough. I still refuse to diet after the Alli attack. The hives are now barely visible, but they’re still there if you know where to look. If you’re fat, just stay fat. Diet aids aren’t worth the side effects and diets alone aren’t worth the hunger and cravings.

What’s really annoying is the pain I have today on the side of my left breast toward where it meets the armpit. I usually get soreness before periods, but this is bordering on pain. I’ve had this once or twice before. It’s really annoying.

These rats are never going in the bedroom again. Last night I thought they might like running around in there for variety, but all they did was piss and shit. This is a typical reaction to being nervous. But I thought they knew and trusted their mommy enough to know she wouldn’t bring them to harm! And how did a 1-pound rat get to be so strong? First I brought Sugar home, then when I went to lift the roof to put Romeo back in, he grabbed the edge of it and just did not want to let go.

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