Saturday, April 20, 2013

Forgot to say in my last entry that if we can’t get this house or decide not to take it, the realtor should be able to find us what we want in no time. They know what’s to be listed before it even appears online, many of which are gone before most people get a chance to see them. So if we continue not to have any luck on our own for another week or two, then she should help speed things up. Tom doesn’t see why we can’t make it out of here before his birthday and that’s only a worst-case scenario estimate. We should still be out in May. Wish I knew the exact date so I could start a countdown!

Another thing we were surprised to learn is that all parks in Auburn are 55 and up. There are no all-ages parks here whatsoever.

Got my nail goodies in the mail and am not overly impressed. The Angel Kiss polish is nice, but the Cloud Nine is too light. Well, I’m light myself so it doesn’t stand out well. Nothing a glitter or crackle overly couldn’t cure, though.

The rhinestones are kind of a waste as well cuz they’re a bitch to apply and some of them fall off. I know I lost at least two of them changing sheets, even though I followed directions and sealed it with a clear topcoat.

I also got the clear plastic rocks to add to the big bamboo’s fuchsia-colored rocks which weren’t enough. I think this plant is dying, though, and it is rather old. I’ll have to pick up some new ones after the move. Love not having to deal with soil or anything messy like that. A large houseplant would be nice that is my height or taller, but the rats would only see it as a little sandbox to play in. I guess I could throw some metal mesh over it, but we’ll see.

I went to read Mary’s latest entry, saw the blog was gone and said, “Damn! I am so sick of getting into someone’s blog just to see them quit. I’m never reading anyone else’s blog again!”

It turns out that she got mad. Trouble with some drunk and judgmental “friends,” I guess. As I told her, she’s too damn sensitive. No one’s ever going to like or agree with every single thing we write any more than everyone’s going to like every food, color and type of music we like. As long as there are no full names, threats, sensitive info or plagiarism, don’t let others stop you from expressing yourself, I told her. She’s too nice and she worries too much about others. She needs to learn to be a little bit of a selfish bitch. Not sure why people can’t just stop reading our journals if they don’t like them, but that’s just how people are; they want you to write what they want to read or not write at all.

Also, I don’t know if she gravitates to them or if they gravitate to her, but I still think she has a lot of negative people in her life and needs to learn to be more independent once she finds work. All she’s ever known is abuse, and of course she’s never had much freedom or been allowed to even think for herself most of the time. Once she cuts the drunks and losers out of her life and starts associating with more positive, mature, stable people, I think she’ll be a lot better off. And also, once she can support herself with no one else’s help unless they want to give her whatever in addition to her being able to take care of herself.

Just when I think I’m not going to get any more leg muscles from running, I get these “ankle rings.” They’re mostly in front where the shin meets the foot. Makes shaving a bit trickier, but it’s still nice. I realize that if I were forced to fight to defend myself these days, I very well may kill the person even if I didn’t want to.

So the bombers weren’t Arab or American, but actually Russian instead. One’s dead, one’s wounded, and I still say the same thing to the foreigners of this world – stay the fuck out of the US unless you’re Nane! Well, maybe a few others are ok, too.


I hate live concerts but am happy for Andy because Stevie Nicks gave him two complimentary tickets to her concert which are normally $425 each. Yes, you read right. He really is friends with Miss Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac. Not close buddies who kept in touch regularly, but he was actually friends with her mother Barbara first until she died. We have both known celebrities and kind of grew up with them, so it’s nothing new, big or exciting for us. Still, we don’t like to make this known to just anyone, so I’m going to limit the audience for this post.

I’m also limiting it because of Kim. Yeah, she’s still stalking me. I’m not 100% sure, but I’m close enough just by the nature of the questions she asked on Ask. The first one was: why do you have to track who sees your blogs?

It was written just as you see it here. The second question, also written as you see it, was: ‪Been reading some of your older blogs. How’s your sister doing? She going to be ok?‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

They were left two hours apart. The second one might’ve been Molly’s mother, but Mrs. M has always shown up on my tracker, so why would she stop now? I think they were both asked by Kim, especially the first one. My tracking would definitely annoy her, especially since I stopped updating the trackless blog every single day. Until I update it again at the end of the month, her “sources” will have to copy MO for her if she doesn’t know how to turn cookies off.

As for the question about my sister, it’s typical for her and Molly both (though Molly is still wonderfully forbidden from going online) to ask questions as if we were old buddies. It’s like those two are stuck in some kind of twisted time warp. It’s been 10 months since I dumped Kim, but I know that just like with Molly, she’ll never stop following me until I’m either out of reach or she is dead. No one’s ever going to throw this one in a group home for whackos and take its online privileges away. Oh, how I’d love to beat the living shit right out of that fat, filthy piece of crazies shit. They really need to start passing laws on keeping the crazy offline. This sack of shit does NOT understand that we’re not friends and we never will be again.

Another reason I think it’s her is that I asked who asked why I stopped updating MD and they never identified themselves. Also, unless it’s some generic question, I’ve found that anything “friendly” or more personal tends to be from those who don’t want you to know who they are. Anyone who could ask about my sister without saying, “Hey, this is so and so” while they were at it, is almost certainly someone I don’t like that knows I don’t like them.

Can’t say I don’t giggle a bit at the idea of fucking with her by giving false clues to my whereabouts in my blog once we move, knowing the lunatic will be running to look up whatever bogus streets I may name, all frustrated as hell when she doesn’t find any such street anywhere in the wrong town I also gave as well.

Anyway, I haven’t answered the questions yet. I’ll wait till questions from known users come in and let her sit and wonder where the hell I am for now.

What I don’t get is why she’s STILL reading my blog. Who in their right minds reads the blog of someone who dumped them nearly a year ago? I have made it a point not to mention her or anyone we know, so that and the questions on Ask leads me to my time warp theory. If MPDers can have different people, why not different times, too?

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