Friday, April 5, 2013

Our day of rain is over, so now it’s back to hammers, saws and loud vehicles. :( At least the dogs are still amazingly quiet. He’s gotta have someone staying with him. I doubt anyone’s complained on him because that’s been done before we entered the picture and it didn’t do any good then, so why would it now?

It’s gotten kind of green out there, but a month from now the browning effect will occur and that’s how the underbrush will stay till the fall.

Yesterday was dead quiet. So much so that I could get a lot of proofreading done.

Last night I had a couple of senseless dreams that weren’t very good.

One took place in the house we had when we lived in Maricopa, Arizona. Tom and I were sitting in the den when he told me I was a bad wife. I said, “I know,” then got up, crossed the kitchen, walked through the living room, and out the front door. I felt spider webs stick to me as I descended the wooden steps and quickly brushed them off. I expected it to be cool and crisp, but instead it was warm and sticky like it was the monsoon season. Instead of the ground consisting mostly of dirt, it had thick green grass. There was just enough moonlight to see that there were a few inches of water in the wash and that it was drizzling. In real life, you’d need a helluva lot more than just a drizzle to put water in that wash. I remember. Although I heard Tom open the door and call to me, I simply ignored him and walked off into the night.

In real life, Tom has never thought or told me I was a bad wife and he never would.

In the other dream we were moving, but we were going into the new place as renters with the idea in mind that we’d buy a place in a few years. Not gonna happen. It actually costs more to rent mobile homes than to buy them, and of course buying an on-site house in a retirement community is really out of the question. They’re super expensive. We considered renting first to test the waters, but when you rent mobile homes you have to pay for the space rent and the rent that the owner charges. If you own it outright, you just pay the space rent.

I briefly considered buying a few single-wides for a few grand each, figuring we’d be less likely to get assholes in a 55+ park to rent them out to, but then quickly dumped the idea when I realized that we’d be the ones to have to fix whatever broke, and if they all happened to be empty at once, we’d have to pay all that space rent.

Now it’s time to work out, shower and do some laundry and cleaning. Gotta order groceries too, to be picked up tomorrow.


Oh my, my, my. I accidentally offended cousin Sharyn, though she said it was no problem when I apologized for it, assuring her I was just joking. She made a post about being grateful to be alive as there were other people hit by cabs that day in NY that didn’t make it. She concluded the status update by saying she hoped that feeling never ended. Jokingly, I wrote: It will end January 1, 2178 :) ox

Not long afterward, I noticed the post disappeared. So I PM’d her to let her know it was meant only as a joke and not intended to offend anyone.

It’s really gotten me to realize that Sharyn has absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever, and has never really been much of a friend to me any more than the distant cousin that she is, but like Tom said, she’s a relative but not “family.” She is how she is, though, and so I just won’t comment anymore on her posts. That way I don’t take any chances of saying something seemingly innocent that she ends up taking the wrong way. She’s just too serious and too sensitive.

I noticed Renate unblocked me, though I don’t know why she ever did in the first place. When someone doesn’t want anything to do with me I respect their wishes and I back off. Really, I don’t understand why people can’t just unfriend me and leave it at that. Why do they have to go so far as to block me? I really wish they could just ignore me, though, because too many blocks could put my account in jeopardy. It wouldn’t be the end of the world to have to create a new account, but still… who needs the hassle because people have to go to extremes?

Anyway, I said hello and let her know I miss our chats. She didn’t re-block me, but she didn’t reply either. It’s amazing how unforgiving people can be, but in most cases that’s a good thing. Being too nice can get you in trouble. I wish Mary could see that. She’s come a long way, but she’s still allowing other forms of abuse into her life and as I tried to tell her, abusive friends and family aren’t any more acceptable than abusive lovers and spouses.

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