Monday, April 8, 2013

It’s pretty windy today so I’m taking a chance at keeping the sound machines off and hoping I won’t get the usual hammers, saws and loud vehicles you hear around here when it’s not raining or over 90°. It’s cool today, but by Wednesday we’ll have jumped 20°. The cooler’s water, pads and pump are ready to go. And I’m still hearing people bitch about spring not arriving yet in other states/countries, LOL.

One of Mary’s wall posts said something like, “When a person tells you their problems, it doesn’t mean they’re complaining, it means they trust you.” This is so true. At least for me it is. I can’t count how many times people have gotten the wrong idea by my “complaining” by either pegging me for a liar, a wimp, a whiner or someone out for attention. Talk about being seriously offended! That’s why I’m careful who I confide in until and if the trust I had for anyone who’s taken it wrong can be restored. I wonder about people at times, though.

I also wonder how some have concluded that I’m an atheist. Believing there’s an evil God up there does not make one atheist. Believing there’s NO God up there makes one atheist. Oh, I believe there’s something up there, all right. I just don’t believe it’s what most people believe it is. I don’t believe God is mostly good and that we can all run to Him with our problems, “give” them to Him, and tell ourselves all will be ok if we give them to Him and basically do nothing about them ourselves. Nor do I believe we can simply pray for what we want no matter how fair and reasonable our requests may be or else we’d have everything we ever wanted. To each their own, but to me, saying I’m going to give my problems to God would be like saying I’m going to give them to my porcelain ballerina doll. If I don’t try to figure them out and solve them, who will? I believe something up there (I don’t know if it’s necessarily God) can help influence us to either succeed or fail same as other people can, but if I have an infected tooth, I need a dentist to help me, not God. God’s not going to drop down from the sky and say, “Open up, Ms. S,” and yank that tooth out of my mouth.

Why I don’t think God is good should be obvious enough if you look not just at what’s gone on in my life, but other lives as well. What “good” God lets innocent babies be murdered and natural disasters take the lives of millions? Even if it isn’t actually God doing the evil but some devil instead, He still lets it happen.

In fact, I think something up there is going to do all it can to delay the move even more. I worry that the park is going to turn us down. We know for sure we could get in in a year from now, but we both do NOT want to wait another year. I don’t even want to wait 2-3 months, though that’s what it’ll take to get our credit up to their standards if they’re not willing to work with us where we’re at now. We won’t know for sure till Tom talks to them hopefully within a week. That’s the next step now that we’ve seen and ruled out the co-op park. While I would never give up without trying first, I learned years ago that if we put all our time and energy into struggling for what isn’t meant to be, we miss out on what IS meant to be. So if Park A is meant to be, I don’t want to waste time trying to get into Park B and keeping us stuck here even longer unnecessarily.

If we have to settle for our runner-up parks, we will if we can’t get into our favorite parks. Life is often about settling and making the best of what you can get and we’re used to that. The runner-up parks are still plenty nice and it’s pretty much what I’m counting on in the end. Our two favorites are certainly the Beverley Hills of all parks, and so I’m not expecting to get into them what with the high standards they have. If Tom’s right, however, then they’ll take us and it’ll just be a matter of picking out the house we want and moving into it probably sometime in May. But Tom is notorious for being overly optimistic and I just don’t “feel” like we’re moving anytime soon. My dreams don’t suggest it’s going to happen that soon either.

I’m just about all out of hope inheritance-wise. Walter said he contacted the CPA this morning to see what’s up and hasn’t heard back from them yet. And yes, that’s something God would do or at least allow to be done to me; see to it that my perps not only go unpunished but that I don’t profit from them either. That’s ok, though. We don’t need their money. Tom alone makes around 4K a month. Mommy Dearest and her enabling husband would’ve just been a bonus.

Still no Molly. I did a little test and got some pretty interesting results. Since she’s been kicked offline I decided to open my old Ask account and pulled myself off the stream (that way anyone who asked me anything would have to look for me specifically or be following me) to see if I still got the same weird questions we were both getting which I had thought were from Kim or Kathy, but they’ve stopped. Just stopped. Now I’m actually wondering if she was a little smarter than I gave her credit for. I just didn’t think she’d have brains enough to change her writing style and be sure to ask us both questions to make it look like someone else. Think it could’ve been her? Makes me wonder if perhaps Kim really has gotten sick of checking my blogs.

I was shocked to learn from Andy that he not only placed an ad showing his face and dick but that this is actually a very common thing. Don’t people have any class or self-respect these days? I can see hookers, dancers and escorts doing this, but what kind of a “date” does one expect to get by posting pictures that make a person seem desperate, promiscuous and trashy?

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