Thursday, May 23, 2019

Saw part of the pilot of Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists and wasn’t impressed at all. Started watching the Deadly Wives series instead since true crime seems to be the next best thing to “fake” crime shows. I’m just not into many other things like comedy, sci-fi, etc.

Do some of these dumbfucks actually want to be caught, though? I mean if I had to pull off the perfect murder and get away with it, I doubt I could as there is always some piece of trace evidence that could very well link back to me. A tiny fiber, a single hair, a microscopic weed even. But some of these people are so damn obvious it almost makes you wonder if they actually want to give up their lives and go to prison where all their meals are cooked for them, shitty or not, and they don’t have to worry about bills. After all, how stupid can you be to keep some of your evidence like incriminating emails? Some people are even plenty obvious just the way they talk during interviews and you don’t have to be good with people to see it. Yes, it’s true that everyone handles grief differently. But then there are some ways you simply don’t handle it unless you’re guilty of something.

Still sleeping well, but I think it’s mostly because I’m on days right now and able to sleep at night. They claim that this bed isn’t leaking and that it takes time to stretch and all that but I wonder if it may be leaking at least a little because it’s definitely losing too much air too fast. It’s still so comfortable, though! So what if I have to top it off a few times a day.

Both domestic and wild animals were pretty funny yesterday. I let the rats out and stepped into another room for a short while to do something. When I returned to the living room, kitchen and dining area, I found one rat trying to break into the kitchen cabinets and another climbing one of the dining room chairs, LOL. Yeah, those are rats for you.

I went out on my combination walk/jog yesterday, and going around the corner toward the office, I picked up my pace and started jogging. Before this, a group of turkeys saw me coming and picked up their own pace by walking faster. But then once I started jogging, they started jogging as well and we were all keeping perfect time with each other, feet slapping the pavement in perfect rhythm, hahaha. Those things don’t usually make me laugh either. The fugly fuckers love to hold up traffic.

I was surprised to see the park left a bright orange parking violation ticket on a vehicle parked up the hill on Oak Lakes. I thought parking on the outer side of that street was permitted. Maybe they complained on someone Joy was friends with.

The paramedics were here yet again for Ralph yesterday evening. He’s in either horrible shape or desperate for attention. Don’t know the guy, so I couldn’t say.

Went out walking this morning down to the lake and back which took 12.5 minutes. Of course, I mixed jogging in as well. The breeze was cool but the sun was warm. We’re finally crawling out of the wintry setback we had, but it’ll be winter again on Sunday. This rain and cold at this time of year is just too weird. It should be close to 90° now.

The planes were super annoying yesterday after being better for a while. Forget just being annoying for a few hours in the morning or a few at night. They were horrible all day long beginning at 5:45 AM. It wasn’t just them but small planes and low-flying helicopters as well. It was windy yesterday so maybe that had something to do with it. They’re annoying today too, but not as much.

Even though there’s one more day, we’re looking forward to not only all the overtime he’s racking up which is big bucks, but the long weekend as well. We have all kinds of plans, the biggest thing being working ads into his app. Most of it he can work on in chunks but he’ll need a few hours to do this particular part which is new to him. We’re hoping to have it out there by our anniversary.

Plus, we have to do some yard work. Even with the 12 cypress trees gone and a tiny lot, there are still so many damn plants on this property.

The soundproofing canopy has to be finished as well. We just weren’t in a hurry this week with him working so late and me being on days.

While he’s coding I will be working on finishing my story. I’m not quite to the end yet but I’m getting there. Then it will go through the final editing before it can be shared.

Had this strange dream about going down to Arizona and meeting his mom for the first time in years who was alive again and much younger too. She looked absolutely nothing like she looked in real life but I knew it was her. She was in her sixties and had short straight black hair. We hugged each other generously when we saw her at Mary’s house. I was standing in the middle of the kitchen a short while later noticing their odd but simple setup. In the kitchen was just a small countertop with not much on it; an oven, and two chairs by a table that had a couple of burners on them. I knew they didn’t eat in the kitchen and preferred to sit in the living room by the TV.

Then we were staying in some hotel and the guy that owned the place who seemed really friendly was willing to swap something pertaining to the bed for us. He said something about how he usually needs 5 hours’ notice but would swap something with his wife or something like that.

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