Thursday, May 16, 2019

Alabama women have just 6 months to enjoy freedom and control over their reproductive system and then a potential abortionist will receive a jail sentence far greater than any rapist will ever receive.

shakes head in disgust Sick. Just utterly fucking sick as hell. Sometimes I’m truly and honestly ashamed to be part of the human race. I really am.

Speaking of jail, I dreamed I did something to a couple of people, though I’m not sure what. I either killed or kidnapped them. Either way, it must have been pretty serious because when I asked this woman how much jail time she thought I would get since the cops were onto me and on their way to arrest me, she said 400 months. Even with my shitty math, I knew that pretty much meant I’d be locked up for the rest of my life.

Then I was trying to get rid of some kind of evidence, possibly the bodies, before the cops could arrive. Then I was eating stuff in a hurry in a pantry and looking for a way out of this huge house I was in. A younger woman was there as well and was trying to help me get out but she didn’t seem to know the layout of the place either.

In another dream, I was telling Tammy about a collection of things I wanted on Amazon and she suggested I go back to working the Turk for extra money. “Seriously, Turk every piece,” she said. Only I had to explain to her that the Turk wasn’t what it used to be.

Definitely feeling a bit more refreshed today even though I slept just as shitty. Well, almost just as shitty. I woke up a million times but was able to fall right back asleep, and none of the times I woke up was due to traffic because I made a point of really securing the earbud as best I could. I think it’s mostly when I can’t fall back asleep right away that I end up exhausted the next day. I didn’t take anything either, which may have also helped. No Benadryl, no Ibuprofen, no Melatonin, etc.

So I’m catching up on what I was too tired to do yesterday, knowing that having energy tomorrow is hit or miss, as always.

I feel like we’ve totally slipped back into winter. It’s mid-May and it’s been pouring ever since I got up 6 hours ago. I should be sleeveless and barefoot yet I’m bundled up in my robe and slippers.

Both rats were out earlier and were as cute as usual. They ran around and explored, they wrestled with each other playfully, and they went pig-watching as well. Blitz and one of the rats were giving kisses between the bars of the cage.

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