Sunday, May 12, 2019

Slept shitty for about 7-8 hours. Traffic woke me up once or twice, then I woke up to pee once, then I had the neck knockers, then I woke up a few times for no reason. I was so tired when I got up that I didn’t think I’d have the energy to go to Rite Aid or tend to the animals, but after coffee, food and a shower, I got a burst of energy. Then I ran out of steam for a while and now I’m so-so. Enough energy to write but not to jog around the park. Oh, shit! I was supposed to go sprinting, wasn’t I? Eh, I’ll stick to puzzle walks.

Got single-serve mini bottles of Merlot and Rosé, plus a rainbow wind chime that was on sale. This one isn’t just for looks. It actually sounds really nice, almost tuned.

Here’s the weird thing. I have wind chimes and other things hanging all around the house except for in back where there are no windows. Hanging at the end of the patio in the back corner of the house by the master bedroom were these solar chimes. They didn’t make any sound but they had these clear plastic stars that hung from thin wires and were supposed to light up after being charged by the sun all day. They never worked but I chose to hang them out there anyway.

When I went to hang the new chimes there, we noticed that all the wires were broken and the stars had fallen to the ground. Only the top couple of inches or so of wire was still hanging from the solar charger. I didn’t think much of it at first since the thing wasn’t any big deal to me but then it hit me…had those wires been cut? Actually cut? Tom said he didn’t know but said the wires could have broken off.

But then another thing that hit me and that’s the bottles. Same thing as the stars, only they’re color-changing bottles. They hang in the middle of the patio sort of between the living room and kitchen and work great. Well, they’re hanging from the exact same wire. Wouldn’t they have broken too, if the elements were bad for them? Plus, they’ve been there longer than the stars. I think they were likely snipped rather than broke on their own and the person “reached for the stars” because they were an easy target since they didn’t have to come further onto the patio and risk being caught.

Then I remembered Bob mentioning a few months ago that someone had been snipping branches off of a beautiful bush in back of their place not far from where the stars were. I wonder if it’s the same person? Maybe he already complained on someone or someone at least thinks he did, and like most people, they took it like they’d been screwed over and picked on for no reason at all.

Wish I knew when the wires were snipped, if in fact they were, but we’re rarely in that area. Meanwhile, just like I said before, we’ll never complain again unless threatened or in danger and hopefully Melody will be able to grow up and move on someday, whether it was Joy or a neighborhood snitch that tipped them off. But who knows? Maybe they really truly did break off on their own. I doubt it, but maybe they did. But if they didn’t, who’s to say Melody’s behind it?

Tomorrow, just in case it is someone fucking with us, I’ll move the new chimes to a safer spot and put something older and less nice there and see what happens to it. Damn, I wish we had cameras set up!

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