Tuesday, May 7, 2019

I’m SO tired today. Why does my dumbass body wake up if it’s still tired? :-(

Nice to read that Kirsten Gillibrand will choose Roe vs. Wade backers as judges before any more states can continue on this frightening and sad trend of stripping women of their rights. This is something that truly bothers me, too. Just because something may not affect me directly doesn’t make it okay. There are enough unwanted kids in the world just like I once was. There are enough people in the world. But I still have to see a lady prez to believe it in a country where women love men and men love men, too. Would love her or Kamala Harris to win!

While I rarely get as emotional as I used to (when my hormones aren’t going crazy on me) since I’m older and have pretty much seen it all, I think it would be hard not to if we ever do have a female president.

Also, while it’s easy to say I hate emotional people as that’s usually a sign of immaturity, instability or both, the day we move will definitely be pretty emotional for me. I’ll be going out of here with the same shock I went out of Jesse’s trailer but only for a different reason. There it was because we survived the recession. Here it will be because I survived the medical drama I went through. Still too soon to say I beat the anxiety for good, though.

I just hope there isn’t any more shit before we do leave. I know we’ll never know for sure, but I really think that the assholes on the other side of the circle are friends with Joy. I can’t believe Joy would give our names and Jon & Carolyn’s names to them just for shits and giggles. Jon & Carolyn complain and they get complained on? We complain and then we get complained on? I smell a friendship there for sure. The complaint came too fast for Joy (or a neighborhood snitch) to have given the assholes our name and then for them to have picked out something to complain about, run down to the office, fill out a form, and then for us to be notified. I think of all the shit they’ve gotten away with too, yet they’re still here. So yeah, definitely smacks of a friendship.

The mama’s boy was in last night for a few hours. I’m so fucking sick of his shit and this whole place in general and I know nothing’s going to happen to them. I think Joy had no choice but to make them get rid of the little girls only because that was just too damn obvious and she would have had to deal with too many people nagging her about it. But the punk and his car are more on the edge of allowed/not allowed. So as long as it isn’t blatantly obvious and or very against the rules, Joy is only going to protect them and spite whoever dares to complain.

I can’t wait to get out of here and stop sleeping in the middle of the street practically. Yes, I know I’m going to hear mutts, motorcycles and other shit regularly wherever we end up but I can’t imagine many places being this bad. I just can’t. It just sucks that it’s going to take a couple of years even if we do things as fast as we can without doing them too fast. But it gives me some comfort to know we at least got the ball rolling in the right direction.

I see way too many motorcycles in pics of places in Florida. It’s like every other person there has them. :-( The car stereos are probably also a nightmare there but hopefully we’ll like everything else about the state except for the bugs and humidity.

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