Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Feeling more awake even though traffic woke me up once or twice and I woke up just because as well as to pee. I even went out for a short walk and it didn’t snuff the energy out of me either.

Had all 4 furballs out and the rats didn’t troll the pigs too much, LOL. Fuzzy was his usual self, climbing all over me and all that, but of course his brother kept his distance.

I’m still not sure what to make of the solar stars. I put an older, less pleasant-sounding chime where the stars were cuz I’m curious to see what may happen to it. Aly thinks the stars were probably cut but I don’t know. I just think it’s sad that in an adult community of all places, bikes get stolen, you can’t leave nicer hoses out, someone cuts Bob’s bush, and someone may have vandalized something of ours as well. Plus there’s the noise, the spiteful manager, water outages, etc. But no, we’re not leaving. I’ll always want to and have a part of me that regrets not leaving but it’s smarter and safer to stay put and replace this place. So this house is still temporary in my mind. I’ll still want to weed out stuff I no longer want or use too, in which case we’ll have to dump, sell or donate it since we’re not leaving. Just not sure how we’ll pay for a new place if we’re not selling this one.

Other things just hit me…where did all the stars go? I know one was on the ground cuz I stepped on it and broke part of it. But where are the others??? I’ll have to go check when it’s light but if they’re gone then yeah, I’d go with a cutter that kept them as souvenirs for some strange reason.

Also, I mentioned to Aly that the area they were in got more sun than the bottles but her dad has chimes hanging by wires that are always in the sun and they’re fine. Plus the one with the bottles is heavier and has been there longer, so we’re not sure what to think. I think we both are leaning toward them being cut.

I wondered if scissors would leave such a jagged edge if they were cut, and as she said, that would depend on how tough they were to cut. I’d think they’d be easy to cut being so skinny.

Once I search for the stars and see what happens to the chime I put in its place, that will give me a better idea of what might have happened. It’s cool that I can always share these things and count on her feedback. :)

Had a dream I won a trip to Italy. Funny too, cuz when I’d have win dreams when sweeping, a win of some kind would often follow. Yes, I entered some sweeps yesterday. More than likely, though, it’ll only get me spammed. You don’t have just a few hundred to a few thousand entrants these days as you did over a decade ago. I miss winning big like I used to but history is never allowed to repeat itself unless it’s in a bad way, so it seems. :( But damn do I miss those overnight letters! Smaller wins are usually just sent or you’re notified of them by email. Big wins typically bring phone calls and overnight letters. If you receive both at once, you have every reason to get excited. :) I’ll always remember returning from the store and seeing that FedEx envelope leaning against the door and the voice message with the cheery voice saying, “Hi! This is so and so in such and such prize department…”

One of my big wins was a travel voucher to Italy but we found we could use it anywhere and that was when we chose our best trip ever which was to Maui.

Damn, does OLS ever have more complaints than ever! I believe every single one of them, too. I saw much of the shit they mentioned with my own eyes when I was heavily into sweeping in 2005-2008. They do ban you if you complain or ask any questions that might be perceived as negative. Those running the site have always been very rude. If you accidentally post a sweep you shouldn’t, instead of explaining why it’s not allowed, they threaten to ban you if you do it again. One person said they’re right-wingers who will ban any liberals. Also, I don’t know if the owner is crazy or just plain mean and greedy but lately, those who pay for them aren’t given access to premium features! That’s new. Plus, there was something in the forum about trying to reach Brent. Did he up and abandon the site or something?

I only used the site because, despite the shitheads running it, it’s the best laid-out and best-organized sweeps site I could find.

Anyway, we were in Italy in the dream. The only part I remember all that well is riding on a tour bus and looking out at this green grassy field with gentle slopes and hills and thinking how lovely it looked.

The weird dream was being in Iran of all places. We were in a crowded restaurant and I was surprised by all the other white English speakers around.

At home, Tom and I were looking at our computers projected onto large screens and I was trying to figure out why there were breaks in text in one of my documents.

Then I dreamed Tom was mildly hypo and on 50 mcg of my poison. They had these home thyroid testing kits. After a test, he found his TSH had risen to 11. Knowing the uncommon but horrifying effects Levothyroxine can have, I was worried for him because I knew that meant he’d have to go up to 75s.

In real life, just like I did 2 nights ago, I feel very faint traces of being closer to borderline but no real anxiety. Again, I almost wish I would get “stabbed” so I could just go back on my full dose, but it’s such a god-awful feeling that I’d also rather not.

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