Friday, May 3, 2019

Realized the assholes may not yet have seen my messages on Facebook. Wouldn’t they have blocked me if they had? I just worry about their reaction when they do now that I know they’ll know it’s me.

Again there’s a part of me wondering if I should have taken care of them myself somehow just like I should have with the shitsters in Arizona. You just can’t always trust and rely on someone else to take care of things for you. If they were going to be evicted, they would have been by now. I just don’t know what I could’ve done that the park can’t/won’t do.

I just hope this shit ends with their little retaliation game because while it’s easy to say I’ll never complain unless our lives are threatened, sometimes keeping quiet can send the wrong message. That would make them think we’re now afraid of them and that we’re going to take whatever they dish out at us. I know how hard it is for some sickos to give up and move on.

For now, I’m sure the mooching mama’s boy who will remain jobless for who knows how many more years, will be zooming in any second for its daily visit. I wonder how long it will be before it moves back in. Hey, why not? All they’ll do is hand them a piece of paper telling him to get out which won’t cost them a thing, quite unlike in our case, even though Tom says it will actually up the value of the place. As I said before, yes, this is something we’ve wanted to do. Yes, it will make the place look much better. But I still don’t like being ordered around like children. Unless something is a medical emergency or something like that, we prefer to do things on our own terms.

My groin rash is coming back. Knew it would. The past always returns to haunt me. At least I have an effective tool for it. Will have to deal with it on and off all my life since I know I’ll never lose weight, if that’s really what’s causing it and not just the whole auto-immune thing which triggers all kinds of rashes.

Got a $124 bill from Mercy. sighs I’d say our chances of making it back to Hawaii before we leave are getting pretty slim. Too many things keep coming up.

After listening to 5 hours of landscaping on and off and over 2 hours of the trash/green waste trucks, maybe it’ll be quieter for a while. Maybe.

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