Thursday, October 29, 2020

Another married couple with kids on LMC. Seriously, there are rarely gay/lesbian characters or single moms unless they’re divorced or widowed. It’s like all their movies are set in the 50s with modern material things. I still enjoy most of the movies despite the old-fashioned stereotypes, and abortion for teens always being “unthinkable” as if to suggest keeping or adopting out the kid is the only correct way to go.

This random fatigue is totally frustrating as hell. Something’s got to be causing this. Something. Yet I see no pattern or anything that may cause it. It’s tough enough to live with regardless but with the move coming up in half a year it’s even more worrisome. It isn’t just surviving the 5-6 days it would take to get across but also the additional days spent in hotels that I worry about. It could end up being a two-week journey. I can’t hold my schedule that long and to make matters worse, we’re going into the future and not into the past as we jump 3 hours ahead. If we were able to drive directly from the house, then it would be best if we left when I got up between 10 p.m. and midnight. It would probably take us two days to get to Nebraska. So by then, I would be getting up really early in the morning but not too early. That would buy me a few more days to finish the rest of the journey but again, if we’re not going from house to house, it could be twice as hard on me. Trying to sleep in the same room with his fucking snoring, even with a sound machine, is not going to be easy. And that doesn’t include slamming doors, TVs and footsteps either.

My bladder really isn’t helping my sleep issues. I tell you, something up there is determined to use anything it can to curse my sleep. When no one wakes me up, why not give me a nightmare or use my bladder to disrupt my sleep, right? When I get up to pee 2-4 hours after crashing, I can easily get back to sleep. But when it wakes me up toward the end of my sleep, I can’t always make it back to sleep. So I lose that extra hour or two that I could really use. It really would have been nice if I slept until at least 7 because then, assuming the truck with the rocks comes early, that would be one less threat to my sleep. But between them and trash day the next day, I may not have much energy until Saturday.

So I’m a little down, frustrated and depressed tonight. Furthermore, Google annoys me by making me write out the swears it stars out. Makes me feel so controlled. It’s like my speech is being controlled even in my own home on my own computer and in my own document since I draft up my entries in Google Docs before I edit and share anywhere. Even Word stars out my swears. What is this, Iran, North Korea or Russia? I’m a little too old for anyone to be “correcting” my speech. I would just leave the damn stars as they are except that some of the print ends up being bolded if I do that. I’ll leave it alone in messages and things like that but on PB, I have to write things out.

Aly didn’t bring up OD but I’m kind of surprised she mentioned Thoughts and Kiwibox since they don’t exist anymore. She is, however, continuing to blow me off as far as giving her new address goes. Gee, why am I not the least bit surprised? She certainly has the intelligence and the creativity to fabricate Cam, their relationship, his family and all that, but would anyone be that dedicated and that detailed for this long? Not going to say anything about it just yet or the fact that Summayah, Cam’s ex-SIL in obstetrics, is not showing up on Google. I’ll wait and see if we really do drive across and if he just “happens” to be unavailable when we get to Nebraska.

Couldn’t resist fucking with her a bit, though, LOL. She said she shut down on Facebook because she had no desire to be there and it’s true, she did deactivate an account in a bogus name. However, through Tom’s account, I found one with her full name. So I told her that to get Bing points I did a search on our names and that account came up. It hasn’t been updated since 2012. This is the one I tried to counter-block, but it seems Facebook doesn’t let us block those that block us anymore which really sucks. One could cause a whole lot of trouble for someone that way. I don’t mind features being added but I fucking hate it when sites take away features. Especially useful ones that could help a lot of people.

So I told Aly I thought she should know about the account not knowing if she forgot about it or if it was an imposter. Assuming she hasn’t forgotten about it at all and that it really is her, as I believe is the case, she’ll definitely wonder how the hell I can see it since I’m sure the first thing that will come to mind is how she blocked me from it. LOL

My free OD month expires on Halloween so I’ll see if I can get another free month with a bogus email address. I changed my first one to a bogus email, so if Aly finds any of my stuff there, it should be by pure chance. I have my entries expire between 24 hours and a week, so she wouldn’t see much. I did find that an old email of mine is in their system, but I think that’s from the old OD and was a diary I never bothered to reclaim and that’s inaccessible.

Cam’s 40th birthday is today and so is Kate Jackson’s 72nd.

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