Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Trump dropped back down 1%, so that’s good.

Slept for 6 hours after being up for 20 hours, so naturally, I’m tired just like I knew I would be. I knew having great energy yesterday was a rare treat and that because of it I would be up forever. So sick of going back and forth like this!

My old neighbor Stephan killed his wife in my latest Calms Forte nightmare and was going to kill me too until he decided he liked me too much and that I would keep my mouth shut. Only I wasn’t as terrified as nightmares usually leave you. When dreams get that scary you automatically wake up. Yet I stayed asleep long enough to wonder just what kind of forensic evidence may be traced.

It started with me being with him and his wife in his house which looked a lot like our house. I was in the master bedroom and could hear them arguing in the hall. I could tell Stephan was on the verge of harming his wife. With the guy being well over 6 feet and me not feeling well at the time, I wasn’t in a position to defend the woman. Yet for some reason, I valued her life more than mine and told Stephan, who had begun to strangle the woman, to leave her alone and strangle me instead.

Leaving the woman crouched in the corner of the kitchen, he came toward me, placed his hands on my shoulders as if he was going to do just that, and then told me to go chill in the other room. So I did that while he finished off his wife.

Suddenly, we were living in my first childhood home and were upstairs on the second floor when he was telling me about his plans to get rid of the body. I was amazed that he trusted me to keep his secret and wondered if the cops might spray luminol if they decided to search for blood. Assuring me no one would ask questions and not learn anything we didn’t tell them, he threw his dead wife in the trunk and left. Then I went to see if there was any blood in the first place since I was pretty sure he strangled her.

I feel like total shit today and not just because I’m tired. I have bad heartburn and nausea which began at the end of my day yesterday. I think it was the crab cakes I ate. Too greasy. They sure were good, though. I thought maybe I had too many chips yesterday but after having the last of the crab cakes today, I got worse again, so it’s definitely that.

Tom got these plant-based hot dogs to try and we both agree that they’re absolutely horrible as hell.

He was worried he might have gotten the virus because he had a couple of days of the runs, headaches, and a fever of 99. Luckily, he came to realize it was the bananas that gave him the runs, the headache was just a headache, and he was probably just hot flashing. Apparently, even guys do this at times. It was the thermometer that touches the skin that said he was 99. When he used the oral thermometer, he was fine.

My once impeccable memory is getting so bad! I was reading back in one of my ’90s journals about how we had to push our car the last block home in Phoenix after being out somewhere because of a broken axle yet I have no recollection of this at all. He remembers it, though. I do remember stalling in Oregon a decade later and a couple of guys jumping out of their car to push us off to the side which I thought was very nice of them.

Today he’s going to have to replace Candy’s battery. Not sure if he’s going to take it in to be replaced or have someone come out to the house. He’ll have to call around and see.

I was kind of pissed at first to see that Walmart no longer lets you choose which items you want to be subbed if they don’t have them. Now, they send you an e-mail right before they’re going to deliver telling you what they’re out of and asking if they can sub it with a particular item and you either allow it or not. Since he’s able to be available beforehand, it’s actually better because then we don’t get unwanted subs.

We dove into Prime Day yesterday and decided to get a few treats. I looked up Prime Day nail polish strips and beads and will soon have 17 new sets of nails and two different new types of beads. European beads and bugle seed beads.

Margaret the millionaire is still alive after all. Guess she had to get a new computer.

I was SOOO glad to learn that there are not only some parks in Florida that don’t allow pets but also some that don’t allow motorcycles! That’s a huge relief to know! I would love that even if I was always up during the daytime but it’s especially important when you’re sometimes not and you’re the lightest sleeper in the world.

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