Tuesday, October 27, 2020

While it is very sad that ACB has been confirmed as a Justice, let’s remember that one person simply cannot take away everyone’s rights. So let’s not give them credit and power they don’t have and let’s keep in mind that a single person can’t overturn the constitution. Judges aren’t the ones that make the laws. Furthermore, if the rights of any groups were to be taken away, it would take years and wouldn’t happen overnight. Not in a matter of days by just one person becoming a Justice. Then there’s the fact that if Biden wins - and I believe he will - he will add more lefties to the Supreme Court. The worst this bitch can do is not do the right thing when it comes to some individual cases.

Meanwhile, I’m politically exhausted. Just totally exhausted. There’s got to be more to life than just race, politics, food and celebrities. Like the fact that I now have 20K pins on Pinterest! That comes after half a decade of pinning different things for different reasons.

I got a sleep score of 89 but don’t feel as energetic as yesterday. Figured I wouldn’t. I rarely get two good days in a row. I have to really push myself to work out, but I don’t think I’ll be making jewelry tonight or doing much of anything else. Did some language practice but that’s about it.

I’m still undecided on NaNo. If I don’t get more of a concrete idea, then I guess I’m not doing it.

I was thinking that while the virus has affected most people negatively, it’s actually had a positive effect on us. Yes, he’s going to have trouble finding work because of it and also due to his age and his race. Yes, we have to be careful when we go out places and only go out if necessary. Yes, it could get in the way of selling the place and moving. Not stopping it but making it more inconvenient.

But we’re homebodies to begin with. We’re not sociable. The skies are much quieter than they normally would be. Traffic is quieter even though I’ve still heard enough shit since I’ve been up between small planes, helicopters, commercials, motorcycles and the drone of the freeway. There have been other benefits as well.

If one or both of us ever got hit with the damn thing, though, then our perceptions would totally change of course. God, I hope not! You just never know how your body is going to react to something like that. For some, it’s no big deal and for others, it’s the end of the world.

When we were out walking the other day, we saw that they had pulled up some of the pavers on the island and put them in a pile alongside the street. We joked about rearranging them. Ah, but it would be more fun to burn all the Trump flags. I say it’s about 50/50 out there, maybe slightly more leaning toward Biden.

They said Trump wouldn’t win the first time around, yet he did. So I really hope my feelings about Biden winning are correct! Fortunately, though, Trump wouldn’t hurt us. But Biden could make things better for us from a health insurance standpoint. I always said that if we ever had a female president, it would take a non-white one to make it. Well, it would take a non-white one to make VP which would be the case if Biden wins! I would take a non-white Dem over a white Republican any day, but I do worry that Kamala would be a little too focused on her own kind.

Anyway, phobia girl is really proud of herself for 3 successful statin doses! So far, anyway. I refrained from drinking for the last few days, but tonight I’ll be breaking out the zin when I watch a movie.

I had a dream I was singing for Doc A and she told me something about not shouting it out and taking it back too quickly and I got the impression she wasn’t very impressed with my voice.

In another dream where I didn’t know Tom, I was in Florida hanging out by some lake. It was some kind of camp for adults. I sat on the porch of a cabin or building of some kind eating a candy bar when several people happily jumped into the lake. I really wanted to cool off in the lake as well, so I decided to finish the candy later. So I wrapped it up and searched for my purse in a pile of other purses that surrounded a table Stacey sat at (the one in Arizona) talking to a few other people.

The worst dream was when my bridge which was a crown in the dream fell out. After it fell out, the rest of my teeth heading back toward the back of my mouth fell out one by one. I ran crying to Tom with four or five teeth in my hand.

When I fired up my computer, Aly was in the process of sending a message. I’d only gotten through half of it before she deleted it. She was asking me something about if Facebook sent notifications if someone from a different device or unrecognized browser tries to log in like Twitter does. Also something about Kim’s sister finding her. She told me in a previous message that she didn’t delete that Kim’s mother said something about Aly having gone to high school with Kim and being bad news. So I don’t know what the hell is going on. I just know that Kim, not at all surprisingly, has been trying to get her to contact her sister on her behalf and Aly is smart enough not to get involved. She said she could be kind and write to her a few times a month but that’s it. At least if Aly is going to waste her time on people like Kim and Molly, she’s smart enough to put her foot down as far as contacting anyone goes.

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