Wednesday, October 7, 2020

La Vie est Belle (Life is Beautiful). That’s the name of the perfume sample I got in the mail today. It’s pretty nice.

My throat felt scratchy and I’m having quite a bit of fatigue today almost as if I’m coming down with something. I don’t think I am, though. I just wish I knew what was causing these random bouts of fatigue and what to do about them. I’m guessing it’s just a normal part of aging. Not sure if I’ll have the energy to finish my short story or if I’m going to do Nano this year or not. I just don’t have the imagination I used to. Well, it’s not so much that I don’t have the imagination as it is the drive to do it. No biggie either way.

Yesterday I said I could do my teeth in less than a minute but it’s actually one minute total which is half the time of a regular toothbrush. You’re supposed to spend 15 seconds on each quadrant of teeth, as they call it. So when you’re hitting both sides at once, that two minutes becomes one minute. It seems to do a great job overall but I’m not sure about the very back teeth. Guess I’ll find out when I go for my next dental check-up in February.

The cabernet sauvignon I got earlier looks and tastes like merlot so it’s a good thing I like my new toothbrush. I brush right after I drink it, so it doesn’t get a chance to stain my teeth.

It’s been a day of Rite Aid, a walk down to the lake, goodies in the mail, and picky piggies. We got treats for rodents and rabbits, but the pigs aren’t the least bit interested in them. Of course the rat is because they’ll eat anything.

The bruise in the crook of my arm is healing. She put a plastic hot pack on my arm before poking me because that helps bring blood to the surface. Then she shook the tubes once they were filled because that releases an anticoagulant, she told me.

My lab results are pending until tomorrow afternoon. I’ll be asleep at that time so he’s going to check them out and email me anything that’s in red so that while I’m waking up I’ll know what’s up without having to muddle through tons of numbers for tons of different tests, half of which I don’t even know what they’re for. My habit is to take my pill, set the timer, then hit my computer till it’s coffee time.

I’m sure the problems will be the usual things…TSH, cholesterol…but there’s also a little concern with red and white blood cell counts and a tiny bit of concern with glucose though I’m guessing my glucose will be normal. I’m not that fat and I’m pretty active. I know it goes up with age, though, so if it is elevated, I highly doubt it will be medication-kind of elevated.

The ACV shots seem to be helping with my blood pressure as well as keeping my weight down and other things.

Really wish they would hurry up and get the vaccine available, but the US is going to go about it all wrong while the UK will go about it the way that makes sense. The correct way is to give it to those over 50 first or who are most vulnerable to the virus. Here, the rich are going to get it first.

He got a smart tape measure in the mail to help track his progress. I didn’t know there was such a thing. It seems like just about everything is “smart” these days. You stick it around you, press a button and it snugly fits around you without squeezing you or anything. So my wrist is 5.8 inches. About 6 inches is ideal for bracelets for me.

This particular jewelry kit is not easy. When you’re blind and you have long nails, it’s definitely hard work to pry open chain links. Not all of the bracelet designs use chains, though, so some of them will be easier. There are a couple that are made with colored wax cords but there’s no way in hell I can get the smaller beads on them. The string is simply too thick. I saw that someone else complained about that in the reviews. Nonetheless, I made my first one and while it’s too big for me even though it’s meant for children, it came out well. Looks just like something you might find in Walmart or Target.

There are other kits that I probably should have gotten that would be much easier to work with but that won’t limit my creativity. Basically, I want to stay away from chains and findings and mostly stick to stretchy stuff or at least something that can be slipped onto the wrist or over the head easily enough.

Can’t deny that I’m kind of relieved whenever they don’t call him for a job he applies for since I still worry about him working before the vaccine is available to us. There was a job for a receptionist at our local PD which he would have applied for if it weren’t for his hearing issues. So he can’t apply for anything where good hearing matters.

We’re starting to wonder if I’m going to be able to vote even if it’s no crisis if I can’t. He got this voter’s card in the mail and ballot, but I haven’t gotten anything, yet which makes me think we screwed up with signing me up. We weren’t sure whether or not I was supposed to send in something that I didn’t send in, so maybe that’s why I haven’t gotten anything.

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