Saturday, October 10, 2020

OMG, I can’t wait to get the fuck out of here! Twice I was woken up today. First by the garbage truck and then by the asshole reading our meter that’s underneath a little trap door to the crawl space had to slam the shit out of it, and the banging woke me up. OMG, do I wish I could sleep at night every night! Fuck this motherfucking sleep curse! I’m just so sick of struggling with the same old shit all my life. It didn’t really start becoming a problem, though, until the early '90s. I would have to be in serious denial to not believe something up there has a sleep curse on me. I just have no idea who/what it is or why it was put on me. Is it some twisted form of compensation for not having to wake up to an alarm 5 days a week for a job outside of the house? I just have no idea what it’s about or what to do about it. We can’t do anything about the garbage trucks but Tom is going to fix the trap door so it can’t be slammed when they close it. So I won’t have to be woken up by at least that much for the six or seven more readings that will be done while we’re still here, even though I will be awake some of those times. I’m not always on nights, thank God, even though it sure has been peaceful. But in the daytime, there’s just no getting any sleep next to such a large and busy street with so much loud traffic.

I don’t understand how anyone can stand to work graves and sleep in the daytime unless they’re in a very quiet area or the heaviest sleepers on Earth. Really, it’s just fucking ridiculous. I’ve lived in dozens of places yet never before have garbage trucks or meter readers been an issue. Never. The only other places that were extreme when it came to noise waking me up were apartments. And even those might not have been so bad if I’d had the sound machine setup I have now.

It’s just so fucking ridiculous that the world has come to this. How can anyone stand it? having to listen to it when I’m awake is almost as bad as being woken up by it.

I almost called off Florida in exchange for getting a piece of land in the middle of nowhere in the desert since I realize I could be going from bad to worse. If they pick up trash twice a week and mow once a week, this could mean being woken up three times a week. And that’s not counting motorcycles, projects, storms or whatever other shit may be going on there.

But then I realized that my sleep is going to be cursed no matter what I do or where I go. However, there are places where I’ll be less likely to be woken up by outside shit (I’ve lived in them before) and we’re going to make damn sure that ends up being the case. For one, we’re going to be in an area that doesn’t have a fraction of the traffic we’ve got here, and then there are a couple of other things that Tom pointed out and reminded me of that I’d totally forgotten. Because the roads are so much narrower in the parks there and set up differently, they probably don’t have such huge loud garbage trucks. I didn’t realize that garbage trucks came in different sizes, but it does make sense. When I picture the Termite Tammy's park, I can see UPS trucks and I know they do go there, but it would be very hard to get such a giant monster of a truck like these garbage trucks through those windy streets. Those streets tend to curve and twist a lot more than here. We do have some curvy sections but for the most part, it’s like a grid. Not as much as Phoenix was, but still.

Lastly, now that he won’t be working, he’ll have the time to soundproof the place room by room, starting with a bedroom. We’ve had the money, but he hasn’t had the time otherwise we would have done it here. But between him having no time and us deciding we didn’t want to spend the rest of our lives here, it was never done. I would love to soundproof the place even if I could always sleep at night! Warm climates are much noisier than cold and there’s no way I’m going to freeze my ass off just because people can’t shut up. So soundproofing would be great. Even when I’m awake, the last thing I want is to sit and listen to people’s mutts barking, their kids screaming, they’re fucking power tools and whatever.

Surprisingly, though, even though there was a few-hour break between my sleep, I’m not nearly as exhausted as I expected to be. I had a large meal early on and I wonder if that has anything to do with it. I still don’t expect to be as productive as I was last night. Last night I was really on a roll with the jewelry making and cranked out a couple of bracelets as well as did several other things. Tonight I’m just doing laundry and dishes and of course, taking care of the animals.

I can’t wait to be pet-free! I just get tired of the work, the cost, and oh, the horrible smell even with air cleaners! Yes, I’ll miss their cuteness but a break from pets is definitely in order.

I was going through my mind as to whether or not I wanted to leave the pigs’ fleece liners here or donate them and then it hit me…why not give them and the puppy pads to the rat? Being a rat, he’ll certainly have fun chewing them up. I don’t want to take the puppy pads on the off chance I change my mind about a dog because they leak. I think the pigs’ nails poked holes in them over time.

I ordered some more stretchy elastic cord as well as beads in 24 different colors. Finally found the stretchy string I was looking for. It’s really cheap so I threw a roll that was just a few bucks in the cart for our next order, along with some lava and bicone crystal glass beads. There are so many different kinds of beads. The ones I have coming are seed beads.

For some reason, my lungs got tight for a little while yesterday and the day before. Just when I was contemplating taking a hit off my inhaler, however, they relaxed. Not sure what that was about.

We checked my glucose when I got up. 108. I’m guessing that with the way it works, I’ll never be under 100 again.

Just glanced at my latest Twitter poll. So more people are not tired of hearing about race and racism every single fucking day than not? I don’t get that. I just don’t. They complain over and over again that they hear about the same people and the same this and that which they’re sick of, yet they can’t get enough of this particular subject? I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised. After all, it’s been a national obsession since the 90s. It still gets to me not just because of the constant repetition but because I still believe most cases are either fabricated or at least exaggerated. There are two sides to every story and the media gets to choose which side to portray and that’s usually those that most of the country is going to believe and sympathize with. But come on, do we really believe others don’t have it just as bad or worse? Are we really going to tell ourselves that gays and lesbians don’t have it a whole lot worse? But we won’t hear about them very often because that’s not who the people care about.

I lost two of the nail strips I put on last night, so I put on another set. Thicker ones may hide ridges but they’re not as secure and they ripple on the edges. Glitter makes everything better when it comes to duller colors. This set has kidney bean and salmon colors that are just so-so. A couple of them came with gold specks and then I threw a coat of glitter over the others and now it looks good.

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