Saturday, October 17, 2020

I was all ready to say, “fuck it” and then send journal entries to the termites. After all, they weren’t worried about sending me stuff so why should I worry about sending them stuff? But like it or not, I am the one with the record whether it’s pure underserved bullshit or not and whether I was vindicated in the end or not. If she really went to the pigs last year, it would sound better if she went to them after I sent the excerpts saying that the last time she heard from you was a couple of years ago rather than just last year. It hasn’t even quite been a year.

I was beginning to wonder if we’d need heat at all this month which would be a first, but it looks like we’re going to drop into the 40s at night in a week from now.

Wondering if my calcium supplements are one reason I’m having random spells of heavy fatigue. It’s really weird and doesn’t seem to have much predictability or pattern. I thought I slept okay yet woke up tired. So I ended up napping for an hour and woke up refreshed enough to take care of the laundry, dishes and animals. Then, around the time I took a calcium supplement, I was horribly fatigued. I didn’t nap but I laid around quite a bit. Eventually, the fog lifted.

Had a few seconds of what might’ve been A-fib this morning too.

A nurse from Dr. A’s office called yesterday saying that she wants to spend more time with me (I’m less than flattered), and I guess in the morning is when they schedule just 15 minutes per patient. So he asked if I could come in at 2:30 and I said yes. At first I thought he was calling to cancel and I was like OMG, please don’t do this to me now! It’s not urgent but I just want to get it over with.

Finally got my voter card in the mail yesterday so as soon as I get my ballot, I’ll vote and mail it in. Not going to register to vote in Florida because that will allow them to summon me for jury duty. His research says they’re very strict about showing up for that and I’ve never wanted to do jury duty, schedule or not.

He said he found the perfect house for us, LOL. A 3-story brick building on 2 acres that was once a school somewhere in Texas for 85k. That would be a lot of space! But it was in the city. I want to be with old folks or out in the country. I’m not doing the welfare bums, college kids, stormin’ Mormons, and the Brady bunch again. At least not so close to us, anyway.

Forgot all about that fucking Neighborhood Awareness parade that was on for today. First I heard a few seconds of what sounded like a siren and then horns honking. I thought the car alarm was going off and then I opened the back door to see a bunch of carts going around the circle. I probably would have been able to sleep through it as I don’t think it would have overridden the sound machines but it’s so fucking stupid. All they’re doing is risking people’s health, masks or not, and making a racket. It only lasted for a few minutes though.

Okay, I’m almost officially done with permanent hair dye. I’ve got two more boxes of brown dye. I’ll use them up during the time we’ve got left here and then I’ll be switching to the new stuff. I washed it today and I still see traces of merlot. It would really be better if I went all-gray because then I would be able to get even coverage and also be able to use a wider variety of colors than as a brunette. Don’t think I’m all-gray yet, though.

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