Friday, July 28, 2023

Kim waited a whole day before sending me a reply and she did send her message, journals, and stupid story in one email. Of course, she went and made up for the lack of numbers by sending me five emails, each with a few pictures of where she works, as if I care.

When I asked Tom why she wasn’t given more to do, he did have a good point by saying there really isn’t much more she can do. What is a 300-pound nut job supposed to do with her time?

I know I sound mean as hell to most people, but I like to think of it as being brutally honest. That’s why I have multiple blogging platforms and try to keep them separate. I don’t want to offend anyone, of course, but I also want to be able to speak my mind.

I’ve been enjoying the daily thunderstorms we’ve been having and am glad I’ve been up during them, even though I know that’s going to change with my schedule.

Liz did a good job cutting my hair. This time I had her take it to just above my shoulders. It’s not only thickened up, but it grows faster the more my thyroid normalizes. So much easier to dye!

I feel bad for Jess right now. She got really sick from accidentally eating gluten and had to go to the ER to be pumped with fluids and steroids. While she was there, she contracted covid.

I swear I had dreams about dying in 2037 and it’s weird because shortly before we moved, I had a strong feeling come on saying I would live to 2038. I don’t put any value in it, though. There’s no way to know when and how I’m going to go at this time. Could be in a year from now if a meteorite crashes into the house. Could be from cancer, a heart attack, or a stroke in 10 years. Could be that I kill myself in 20 years because he dies.

There’s a regular user in the VZ group from Germany, and she’s excited now that Google’s Street View is finally going to map Germany. That country fought it for over a decade because of privacy issues. Assuming she’s still there, I have a pretty good idea of where Nane works. I’d love to know where she lives so I could create a trip from her place to work and see exactly what she sees along the way. It’s a pretty ugly country overall in a climate I would hate.

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