Thursday, July 20, 2023

Ugh, just wondering when Kim is going to get that too much is too much. Why is it so damn hard for her not to overdo things? I could lecture her on letting me catch up on her messages before she hits me with more be it something she wants to let me know, her silly stories, her silly character descriptions, poems, etc., but I know it won't sink in. I thought that by spacing out my messages to her it would slow her down but it really hasn't made much of a difference. Since there's no getting through to her I'm just going to keep spacing my messages out and will probably start ignoring some of the content the autistic child-woman slams me with.

She sent me a message a few days ago saying she was so emotional that her sister had to give her a sleeping pill to help her sleep all because her boss's mother died. This is a woman she never met and she's only known her boss for a few months. She says they've become good friends because they like to play trivia games with each other and I guess that's not unethical since she only works as a volunteer part-time. Still, that's quite a reaction over a complete stranger, though that's fine that she's supportive of her boss.

I've got an abstract stencil coming tomorrow but I think it may be a waste of money because it seems like the only way to prevent paint from bleeding under a stencil when you're working on canvas is to get a sticker stencil and then use a pouncer brush which is basically a sponge. I have a sponge I could use, though.

I also got a saltwater mouth rinse and a special foot and body wash that's supposed to be good for toenail fungus so I'll see if it makes a difference at all.

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