Monday, July 24, 2023

In a little over two hours, Kim replied to my last message with the usual long rambling reply. I knew she was gonna say she wasn’t much of a Tony Bennett fan simply because I said I wasn’t. She just doesn’t get that it’s okay to have different likes. I don’t understand why she’s got to be such a copycat any more than I understand why the mentally ill are so damn sociable and needy of constant attention. Before I even read her message, I knew she was going to claim that she wasn't much of a fan, even though she sent me an email just to ask about him along with a pic of a signed photo of him she collected. A classic example of how the stupid think others are stupid too. A celebrity stands out in my mind enough to email someone about their death and to show off my signed photograph from them yet I'm not much of a fan? Yeah, right!

Then she goes and thanks me for understanding if she can’t get back to me right away as if she does this regularly and I’ve complained about it.

Because I haven’t been feeling bad, I decided I would only take one of the 75s this week as the doctor and I discussed. Except for my hair, the scale says I’m still quite hypo. I doubt my TSH is lower than a 7 or an 8. Might even still be a 9 but a low 9. My hair, however, is like wow! It’s thinned out on top and at the sides due to age but I still have a lot of hair in back. When I was looking at it with two mirrors yesterday, I was like wow, where did all that hair come from? It’s thicker than I thought and very curly too. I didn’t realize I had that much curl and that much hair. That explains why it seems heavy and thick when I gather it back into a ponytail. It’s not thick like it was before my 40s but I still have quite a bit of hair.

I couldn’t get a good angle holding the mirror so I could see the back while cutting my hair. I would need a third hand for that. Fearing I would screw it up anyway, I decided I’m going to have my hair done sometime soon. The cutting sheers are still good for trimming my bangs and things like that.

Ended up getting some decent rain on and off yesterday. Of course, that didn’t stop the weekend motorcycle charades down the street.

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