Sunday, September 29, 2002

This will be a first; only seeing Scot once in a month cuz of the other dude who sat in for him. I know it’ll still be September tomorrow if he comes, but I’m not answering him cuz I’ll be sleeping. Or trying to anyway.

Tom agreed that it’d be reasonable for him to keep lessening the visits, but we both also agree that “reasonable” doesn’t usually apply to this shit, so we’ll see. Still, reasonably speaking, if he came in October, he shouldn’t come back till January (just once, that is). Then his final visit should be around May. I know better than to count on that, though, after he skipped 3 months, then started coming by like crazy. Had it been any more often than it was from last January to March, I’d have been like, “Why don’t you just move in with us?”

It’ll be interesting to see his reaction if he ever does come by when I’m sleeping or when Tom’s out. What I wonder is if he’d get paranoid (if Tom’s car was here) or if he’d turn around and come right back within days. Well, he can get as paranoid as he wants cuz I’m not getting out of bed for a letter I’m supposed to have written more than half a decade ago, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let him paw through this place either. I’ll treat any pigs that decide to get toss-happy on us no different than if they were regular intruders. In a sense, that’s exactly what they would be, it’d just be in a legal form. There are legal forms of murder (execution), there are legal forms of stalking, extortion, harassment – you name it. But just cuz the law says it’s okay; no it’s not okay, and no I won’t just sit back and allow myself to be stepped on. I’m not taking any more shit from this state without putting up a fight first. Sometimes, even if we don’t want to, we really must resort to our fists. Because Tom begged me not to pummel the freeloaders with my fists and because I was dumb enough not to trust my instincts when it came to legally trying to battle the sick fucks, we’ve never ever fought back. Throughout this whole thing we’ve never fought back and therefore we sent the wrong message. Well, mark my words, either one of two things is going to happen if they pull any more shit on us. We’re either running or we’re fighting back, and if we stand and fight, I’ll fight any way that’s necessary to get these assholes off our backs, be it the legal way or not. But I am Jewish-looking and I am white. Therefore, we’d probably split.

I finished the 1995 file, but still have something like 1555 pages to go through.

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