Saturday, February 15, 2003

Got another few pages of drafts from Mary, but no bear additions. I’m way behind on her stuff cuz of all the other things I’ve been doing, and yesterday was spent mostly writing up the bear.

Earlier Tom and I ordered the Alex and Eve nude fashion dolls. Now all we have to do is hope we don’t get ripped off. If they ship them Tuesday, though I’m sure there’ll be some problem/delay, I should have them Friday.

Tom also moved my music folder to the D drive, so now I use the C drive for text and graphics and the D drive for music. A, of course, is my floppy drive and E is the CD player/burner.

Tom and I both agree the one thing we don’t like as much about the new computers is that their fans are louder. However, it helps to curb problems that could occur, even if our stuff likes to break anyway.

In case I didn’t already mention it, Tom sent me a really cute animated Valentine’s card with cat pictures. I emailed him a card too, though it wasn’t animated. It was a polar bear with a rose in its mouth.

Tom says that by the end of the weekend, the new TV setup is going to be easy. He said something about setting it up to change channels with the satellite and doing all the changes on the computer. Whatever, I told him. As long as it’s not going to take me a year to learn to record/edit things, though I’m going to do the editing from my computer.

Right now he’s working on the pedals. He said it was just a matter of throwing some epoxy on the piece that broke inside. He thinks one of the pulleys that drives one of the belts is what broke.

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