Sunday, December 14, 2003

I was thinking that if we do end up forced to move into some dive somewhere, I may not have the guts to leave it for fear of losing another nice house, too. After all, you can’t lose what you don’t have. If we can leave this place willingly on our own time and at our own pace, that’d be different. With so much of our lives dictated to us, though, I still think we’ll be forced out of here.

Unless they haven’t picked it up yet, Dave and Miss Perfect are ignoring us. I said it before, and I’ll say it again – they’ll never see or hear from me again if they stiff us out of Christmas money. I’ll take the damn t-shirts, pictures of my fat face, and other useless odds and ends if I have to so we can get our annual money.

Even Tom’s pissed that they ignored my birthday and as he said, if they didn’t want to send money, they could’ve at least sent a card. But they have no problem with sending the people who made my life a living hell Christmas cards. I still think it’s because I stood up to Miss Perfect and let her know that I’m me and she’s her and that she’ll just have to live with it. Most people would see that as my being rude and insulting, and most people hold grudges, too. Anyone who knows me knows that the quickest way to lose me is to try to change me, so I guess they just didn’t know me very well or they just didn’t care.

Anyway, Tom’s ear infection is still holding on, but improving little by little. I was really hoping to cure it faster. I even want to try to become powerful enough to make my uterus go bad once we’re insured. I’ve had enough surgery in my life, but it’d be a worthy investment if it’s going to cut me out of the 250 periods I have left.

He changed the fan inside my computer because it was making this obnoxious screeching sound.

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