Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Now for what may very well be my last entry of the year – aside from the fact that I’m still inhaler-free, there was a service truck of some kind in front, but I doubt anyone will move in too soon after the new year, assuming the first house hasn’t sold yet and the second one’s not even ready to go up for sale. I don’t care so much anymore because I know we’re out of here within a year from now. Right now my moving vibes have settled on the month of June and we’ll remain in Arizona, but again, I don’t trust these vibes. They keep fluctuating too much.

Every few months I try to clean the house really thoroughly. This time around it’s going much faster what with so much of the knickknacks packed away.

Now here’s something that’s as hopeful as it is frustrating. Of the 5 numbers I picked for the Fantasy 5 drawing, one was right on and 3 others were just one digit off! I was just a digit away from $500 which is what you get if you get 4 of the 5 numbers!

Tom and I were talking about the fact that I might’ve been taking the wrong approach to winning on non-scratch tickets. See, on scratch tickets, the numbers already exist, but they don’t exist on the others till they’re drawn. This means that I have to try to influence the numbers that get drawn to be the ones on the ticket. So I’ll be concentrating really hard on tonight’s Powerball and The Pick, which will be drawn at 7 and 9 PM. I have to go into a sort of trance.

I should make a list of abilities I’d like to try to accomplish from high priority to low, like winning money, killing every other hair follicle on my head, fixing it so I never have to shave again, making myself need just 8 hours of sleep instead of 9 or 10. I wouldn’t try to make money magically appear in our account, though, because all transactions have to come from somewhere and it may look suspicious. As it is, I’m wondering when the Slingo people are going to realize they’ve paid out more money than what their set of printed winning tickets is supposed to pay out altogether.

Just like today. Tom went to Circle K for our New Year’s treats (my last treats before jumping back on the diet). He realized he had forgotten some stuff when he was halfway back, so he pulled over knowing that the Slingo ticket he bought would probably be a winner, found that it was a $3 winner indeed, then used it to pay for what he returned to get!

Right now it appears they’re putting the septic in for the second house. If we get fucked over on the next move the way we did with the move to this place with contractors and other workers fucking up and cutting corners, I swear I’ll make sure whoever’s responsible compensates us!


That wasn’t a septic tank after all. I took the binoculars and saw the word Rinker written on the tank when I realized it was too small to be a septic tank. Plus, the thing was turning like it was a cement truck. So I looked them up online and found a picture of the exact same truck and it is a cement company. I guess they’re pouring either carports or patios.

Starting next year I may start doing two years’ worth of journals per file. Especially since I seem to be able to store two years per floppy if I compress them.

How wonderful it’ll feel throwing out my homemade 2003 calendars, the last of the many years with the freeloaders in it!!!

I think the next coming year will bring us lots of changes, but that’s okay, for none of them can be nearly as bad as some of the changes I’ve been forced to endure in the 38 years I’ve been alive!

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