Thursday, September 10, 2009

Silence may sometimes be golden, but it can also speak a thousand words, too. I never got a reply to my message to those questionable FB buddies, so yeah, it probably was connected to someone I know that I don’t wanna know.

Speaking of silence, that’s just what I got yesterday and it was definitely golden! I thought the dogs would go off early and be at it for hours, but Jesse obviously didn’t work yesterday. Tom said he thought he heard the motorcycle at one point which would explain why it was quiet, along with the temperature rising again. We’re gonna hit 100ยบ today, but Monday we’re on for showers and mid-80 temps, so that oughta make for quite a circus around here. Especially if he either works that day or goes out wherever.

My period is late and so I’m still all watery, bloated and with the backache from hell. If it gets any worse I suppose I could take something for it.

I should go get working out, but I just don’t feel like it.

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