Thursday, September 17, 2009

They live inside my head. Those things called memories. And I know there’s got to be more memories of my days at Camp Naomi, as brief as they were, and as long ago as they were. I just wish I could dig them up!

Getting really sick of hearing about celebs adopting kids from other countries. Not only do I not understand why you’d want kids just so a nanny can raise them, but what’s wrong with adopting a kid who lives here? Why does it always have to be foreigners with them? It’s like the kids in their own damn country aren’t good enough for them or something.

I guess all I had to do was bitch about it in yesterday’s entry cuz now my weight’s dropping again. I’d say I was just getting too carried away with the junk and drinking too much soda. Drinking water instead of soda, even if it’s calorie-free, makes a huge difference for some reason. My goal: To bust under the 120-marker, though it may take a while to do it.

Did a variety of things throughout the day, as usual. Took the next Portuguese lesson, reviewed Italian, worked on my story, cleaned the oven and bathroom, worked out, etc.

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