Friday, March 26, 2010

For some reason, things have been disappearing from my Facebook wall, so if you’re a friend of mine who sometimes leaves things on my wall, you should email me instead.

Last night I dreamt that Tom deposited 10K in the bank, then 8K a few days later. Then I wrote about it in this journal. The thing is that I have had money dreams in the past right before there was about to be a spike in money, but I don’t want to get my hopes up either. And this is my second money dream, too.

I didn’t work on my bio at all yesterday because I was so tired. I fell asleep earlier and woke up earlier. Today, though, I’m going to try to work on it some more and hopefully won’t have too many interruptions while I’m at it.


When I saw it was 6:00, I turned the sound machines off, assuming the rest of the night would be peaceful, but then Whiskey reminded me at 7:30 that it was Friday night, and his master was probably going out to get drunk.

Does he even try to shut him up when he’s on his way out? I wonder.

The barking is still bad in the mornings, but getting better in the afternoons as we approach April, the time they magically stop making such a racket. But we’ll probably be here 2 or 3 more winters, so that’s about a total of 15 more months of this shit. Then again, does it matter? If we’re not listening to excessive barking here, we’d just do it someplace else.

I still want a dog of our own since we have to listen to barking anyway, but am still not sure I want to get one just yet. If Tom’s right about us buying a place around the time he’s 55, then I’d rather just wait and – OMG, Whiskey already stopped barking – get a dog in a place where we’ll hopefully have an enclosed yard and be able to install a doggy door. But if we’re going to be rental-hopping in poverty all our lives, then we’ll see.

We agreed to not bother running out and getting a new pet right away, be it a rat or a dog, once this rat dies. We’re just going to take it one day at a time and see what we feel like doing.

Marie says she’s once again ok with being “Marie” and not “D,” the initial of her nickname, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she changed her mind again at some point. Hey, sometimes she likes Marie, sometimes D.

As I said before, I changed my mind and decided not to bother posting old journals online. However, I will share some excerpts with my regular current entries, as has been requested of me. The cruise, the jail, the old neighbor’s shit; I know some people have been looking forward to that, LOL.

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