Friday, March 12, 2010

What’s up with my hair getting curlier and curlier with time? I’m going from spiral curls to tube curls. I can literally stick a finger up the center of some of these damn tube curls. Oh well, guess the battle of the curl and the bulge will forever be an issue. At least the bulge is quite minimal compared to the curl!

Anyway, it totally fucking figures that the heater just had to go and break. And on a night that’s supposed to get down to 33º! Thank God the oven works and that we have portable heaters! The good thing about it is that it may actually save us money by putting most of the heating costs on Jesse, but not enough to reflect on the electric bill. We hope not, anyway. Since it is already March and we have some 70º days coming up, we may let it go till next fall. Then we’ll have to get him down here for what will no doubt be days until the damn thing’s fixed. The motor on the blower crapped out. We’re not going to blow the pilot out just yet in case we change our minds and decide to have him fix it sooner. It will depend on how the next few days go. It would also be nice to be on days when dealing with him which isn’t the case with me right now. Now I’m getting up in the late afternoons.

In response to my last entry, someone said they once cussed God out when they flew into a rage, and although nothing bad befell him, he felt bad about it afterward and hasn’t done it since. I told him the reason bad things happened to me for it and not him was probably because he’s a guy and God favors men over women. I remind my husband of this every 28 days! laughs

Swapped emails with D and Eileen. D had been up a long time on just a few hours of sleep and has apparently crashed by now based on the lack of emails, and Eileen said she was proud to know I was finding peace within my heart to forgive people. Ah, but not everyone, though, cuz I still say that being forgiving can get you in trouble if you’re not careful. Quite often it is seen by those we forgive as an invitation to screw us again. So just because I may forgive at least some people, doesn’t mean I forget. And I never let my guard down either! Because when I say “I forgive you,” I’m really saying, “What you did was wrong. It pissed me off. Maybe even hurt me, too. But I accept the fact that you’re only human and humans make mistakes.” What I’m NOT saying is, “It’s ok after all, what you did. Do it again.”

As I also told her, the devil in me still likes to come out and play at times. I would probably laugh my ass off if I saw my sister slip on an icy sidewalk and fall flat on her ass. And I’d also still be tempted to laugh at an old schoolmate who used t-to st-stutter.

I also swapped emails with Dorian and Paul. Speaking of grudges, it’s way cool to see my two top cyberbuds get along, too. :) Dorian is sort of like an online big brother to me, like with the way he teased me about getting new glasses by saying, “Jodi’s a four-eyes now, na, na, na, na, na!” And Paul’s a hell of a cool dude, always a perfect gentleman and full of interesting things to tell me about his life and the area in which he lives. It’s the middle of the night now in the UK, so when he wakes up he’s probably gonna get a kick out of my asking if he’s in England or Wales since I’m not very good with that sort of thing.

We’re all very different kinds of writers. I’m more of a suspense person while Paul does sci-fi and Dorian is more of a philosopher. I philosophize and analyze all the time too, but he does a better job of it. I have learned a lot from the examples they’ve set and the things they’ve pointed out to me that may’ve otherwise flown over this too-curly head of mine.

The Bookmania offered to make Paul the site moderator, but they’ve got him blocked – duh! – for trying to get this rude kid to leave him alone. So I let him know that he’d consider it if he’d pay him (and so would I), but he can’t reply to the post since he’s blocked – duh!

Either way, the UK site he recommended is much better run though I’ll only be there for the free 2-week trial. They will immediately kick off any flame-throwers or racists or spammers of any kind, and they keep the juvies off, too.

Anyway, D really drives me crazy at times with all the messages. Not that she doesn’t care about me as a person or wouldn’t listen to me vent any frustrations I may have or wouldn’t be happy if I had good news to share with her, but she’s mostly like a typical young male. She basically just wants to talk dirty and is as perverted as Paul is – as he himself once said – as romantic as a tree stump. Seriously, you would think Paul was the woman and D was the guy. I think that at this point I would rather have Paul tell me once a week that I had nice eyes than for D to tell me every day how she wants to lick my pussy. It keeps it more special when you don’t overdo things anyway.

There isn’t much work to be done now, so I’ve got to decide what to do next. Hmmm… I think I’ll fire up my flat iron and straighten my hair.

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