Saturday, July 2, 2011

Been so busy that I haven’t had time to write about every little thing going on, including two days ago when Jesse drove me crazy for a few hours. When I heard the bulldozer start up I said to myself, “Come on, it didn’t rain that much the other day.” But sure enough, the rude, inconsiderate bastard did both driveways without having the common courtesy of calling to see if it was a good time for us. Especially being early in the morning.

Today’s the first day so far that I haven’t had to take anything as of yet for my tooth. The plan was to call the doctor on Monday if it’s not better by then, but it looks like it’ll be ok after all. It hurt a little when I got up yesterday but wasn’t that bad until we hit Carl’s Jr. after going shopping. I guess the strawberry soda aggravated it. It hurt like hell for the rest of the day.

I guess I just jinxed myself because it’s starting to bother me again. Every time I think I’m through the worst of it, it bothers me again.

Shopping was fun but it was getting to be a zoo by the time we left since we couldn’t go too early because of a burned-out headlight which he replaced later on. He also got Freon to charge the AC.

We got some other odds and ends we needed like lotion and shampoo, and I got a few fun things like scented body mists.

The best thing, of course, is our new treadmill! It’s so nice to have an electric one! I’m just so sick of the serious lack of space in here but know that renting is not only smarter and safer, but that if we ever have more space in our lives, it’s probably years and years away. I still think that the more we fix it up, even if it’d be fixing someone else’s place up and not ours, the more I may want to stay so as not to let others enjoy the time and money we invested into this place. And I really, really want to get myself to want to stay here!

Anyway, the treadmill is simple to use and goes from 1 to 10 MPH. It has some pre-programmed workouts, too. To begin with, I probably won’t be able to run faster than 3-4 MPH for 10-20 minutes. Tom can’t run at all cuz it’s hard on his joints while running’s the only thing that’s ever worked for me. I don’t see myself running for an hour a day, but if I can do 20 minutes a day and watch my calories, I should have no problem getting my weight back down. It’s up again at 141 and I know that if I don’t do something about it, it will just keep on climbing away. It’s so nice to be able to work out and not have to worry about the weather!

We had quite a clean-up job afterward breaking down the giant boxes the treadmill and the camping prizes came in. And the packing pellets too, till I realized that most Styrofoam breaks down in water, then dumped it all in the tub and slowly hosed it down the drain.

Andy mentioned wanting the flip camera I won. We agreed to send it to him since we’d only get $30 - $40 for it, but he just took off for the beach and won’t be online till Tuesday, so we’ll discuss it then.

I did end up cutting my hair yesterday after all, and did a pretty good job for someone who doesn’t know what she’s doing. I simply made two ponytails on each side and cut them to my shoulders. Tom will even it out later if it needs it. My hair’s so curly that it really doesn’t matter if it’s not perfectly even. It’s just nice to have a break from such long, heavy hair that was such a pain in the ass to live with.

Had another dream that Nane, who appears to have visited my blog again, and I exchanged messages. I think we were mostly talking about my current book and that I was “officially” abandoning the story for lack of ideas on how to end it. I just might do that too, if I don’t figure something out soon!

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