Saturday, April 19, 2014

A few people commented on the artwork I posted on Facebook, but sure enough, there was nothing from my nieces. Sometimes I wonder just how much they give a damn, but one can’t exactly make someone keep in touch more often either. I’ve done my part and that’s all I can do. 

You know it’s really kind of sad that all they have is each other. They have a few friends they do things with, but they’ve never seemed to date or have boyfriends in the few years we’ve all been back in touch. I wonder just what one would do without the other. They do almost everything together. They live together, they travel together, and they pretty much do everything together. Sure they visit and chat with people here and there same as Tom and I do, who also live for each other and would be lost without the other, but Tom and I are husband and wife. Not sister and sister. I know I shouldn’t judge them and I’m not going to share this publicly of course, but sometimes they seem a little too close, not that anything perverted is going on or anything like that. Then again, they don’t seem the least bit unhappy, so maybe my sadness for them is unfounded? They do seem confident and content, after all, and if this is the way they like things to be, then I guess it’s pointless to feel bad for them. Not unless I hear any complaints. 

Got a busy weekend ahead of me. We’ll be out while we’re bombing the house today, then I’m going to attempt to do a double chapter when we return because I plan to spend tomorrow painting. And showing Tom just how much better I am at it than he is. :) 

Sure enough, the Dutch teen who threatened that airline didn’t get a moment’s jail time. Maybe we need to turn American Airlines black. Personally, I never understood why people put much stock in threats as opposed to actions, but if you’re going to make such a big deal over it for some, then you should do it for all. The dual standards we have in society are totally fucked up. It’s ok to threaten a white person but not a black person? It’s ok to threaten gays but not the president just because he’s the fucking president? Sorry, but that’s just too fucked up. 

Going to get some writing in before we bomb. We can’t get the bombs till he goes to the grocery store anyway and that won’t be for a few hours. Then we’ll probably go out to eat and maybe check out Goodwill. I love that place. You never know what bargains you’ll find there.

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