Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Amazingly, Sugar is still alive after his stroke. I thought he was going to starve himself to death, but he's eating and drinking. He is still blind and paralyzed and can't control his movements. His body sort of jerks as he moves and he sometimes rolls over, not something rats do. I'm hoping to give him some physical therapy as he adapts to being a disabled ratty, the poor thing. I will never be able to let him out loose without watching him. He's very weak and could get trapped in whatever. Rats clean each other in areas they can't reach themselves, so I may have to get a baby to clean Romeo so he doesn't get all greasy. Romeo's too nervous for me to give baths to. Besides, if Sugar does die, then Romeo won't have to be alone. Rats get depressed living alone. 

I’m about to start my book, Kyla’s Secret, so that’s why this entry will be short. Then, after I manage to tap out the first chapter, I’ll do some paid surveys, take today’s French lesson, and continue revamping my my-diary blogs. I’ll explain that one later and what I finally decided to do blog-wise, after thinking about all the sites I use. 

Oh, I guess I should write about the nightmare I had last night before I forget it. I was living with Maliheh, of all people. We were in what I guess was the kitchen of some small, old house. Suddenly she was freaking out, saying someone broke in the place, after finding a quarter on the floor. I told her to calm down; it was just the wind from an open window that blew the quarter onto the floor. 

Then I noticed the smashed window. I don’t know why I didn’t go check the rest of the house out, but instead I panicked, too. I turned to her and said, “You were right. Get out of the house. Go, go, go!” 

So we ran out the door and in a flash, we were in what looked like the upper tier of a mall. I ran toward the rail in which these wooden “handles” were extended up to us from the floor below which was a few inches thick. I jumped over the rail and grabbed the handles just a few feet beyond. The “handles” were supposed to then slowly lower me to the ground, but instead they buckled as if made of string and I went plunging full speed to the ground below. I woke up before I could hit it, fortunately. I just hope this doesn’t mean trouble is ahead for me.

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