Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My foster sister/friend, Shelly, was a hero to a little girl today just like she was once my hero in keeping my once 85-pound ass safe from the 200-plus madwoman that was our so-called foster mother’s friend. This very pregnant woman smacked and cussed the girl out and she witnessed it. She testified in court and now the girl and her unborn brother have been permanently removed from the sick bitch. Yeah, some people are such shits. God’s a shit too, for allowing them to be as they are. But she helped to right what this bitch did wrong and what God allowed to happen to this poor innocent child, and she is to be commended for it big time. 

Our couch and a couple of dressers are now sitting out by the street. Hopefully, they’ll be picked up sometime tomorrow while the gates are open so we can then add more stuff without being charged. 

Sugar is still alive, amazingly. I didn’t realize that rats could live after a stroke just like some humans can. I guess it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise. Rats are pretty damn tough. They can eat anything, including some things that would kill a person in lesser quantities. 

I’m just over 13k words now with my story and while I do intend to finish it, I don’t know if I can make this year’s NaNo by stretching it to 50k words. I guess I just tell my stories too fast. Eligible to win this year or not, it will be finished! 

I was kind of surprised to find Ida yesterday on Facebook. I’ve looked for her before but she was never anywhere to be found until last night. She looks like she’s been having fun with all kinds of traveling. She’s flown into space and has gone skydiving. She’s a brave old fart, but she should still be stepped on like a bug for driving me as crazy as she did in 2001. 

Why has she got herself listed as being from Nowhere, Oklahoma, though, and not Germany? Her account is mostly public and there’s no mention of any guy named Ron, which she said was the name of her husband. Any number of names and events she told me about 14 years ago could’ve been a lie for all I know. 

Ida was as likable as she was not. She drove me crazy with her non-stop chatter, moodiness and fidgeting, but she sure had a lot of interesting travel stories to tell, even back then. I’m guessing she’s about 75 now and while she does look old, she looks happy and healthy. And if Facebook didn’t make it damn near impossible to contact people, she could read all about our time together and take a walk down Memory Lane. 

She was a writer, too. I remember that and the article she showed me on the German castles she wrote about. I remember seeing strange notes on the desk too, during our time together. “Peephole,” said one of them, and another said, “Jodi listens to music.” 

I asked her about it and she said something like taking notes to remember me by. Yeah, right. The person she claimed to be indifferent to? 

I also found Molly’s newest account, which I promptly blocked. She can’t be online much these days, though. Not enough attempts to view my blog.

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