Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thank you God for seeing that my husband’s hard work has been rewarded with a piddly little raise, so he learned today. Thanks to his wonderfully fair boss and our wonderful God who just loves the hell outa us, his hard work, time, effort and dependability have been deemed worthy with just pennies. Ain’t he lucky? Amazing how much worth and value is seen in a guy as hardworking as my dear hubby who, well, deserves just pennies for all his efforts. After all, he’s over 30 and he’s definitely too white to deserve anything better in a time when only those repressed something like 100 years ago deserve proper pay and recognition for their work. Really, if his wife can’t even get the disability benefits that are rightfully hers, why would he get the kind of raise he deserves? Always the limits for Tom and Jodi S. Then someday we can revisit the past and be God’s little poor-assed bums and maybe lose the place while we’re at it. Right, God? 

I know that something is better than nothing like he himself said, but still, a raise like what he got is like giving a damn good waitress a nickel. I’d be insulted. 

When I walked into the bedroom last night I saw the spider I failed to kill and lost the night before under the window where the wall and floor meet. I KNEW the fucker had survived my initial attack. It was probably hiding in that area all night and so I did have to sleep with the thing after all. I sprayed it and brought it to the toilet with the regular swatter. Then I saw what I thought was a smaller spider on the bathroom floor and zapped it. The thing started spinning round and round in circles. Had to zap it 3 times to kill it but it was a mosquito, not a spider. 

Tom sprayed the outsides of the windows after work, but if that doesn’t back them off we’ll bomb. 

We STILL haven’t painted yet because of lack of time and other things coming up. Where we thought someone would take the couch and dressers, they took the dishwasher instead. Maybe for old parts? I saw them take the furniture after I got up and was amazed at how easily the compactor crushed it, even the couch. I thought that thing just pushed it toward the front of the truck, but the truck swallowed it right up and snapped the dressers like twigs. 

The last of the blinds are up and I taped as much of the living room as I could reach, so all Tom has to do is tape along the ceiling. Then we will be ready to go. The only other thing left to do in the living room is install the second decorative rod and scenic curtains. 

I didn’t know this but painter’s tape expires. I guess if you leave it on too long it will be harder to get off and may leave some residue or discoloring behind. The stuff we have can be up for two weeks. I’m hoping to get as much done as possible before the new carpet arrives. We haven’t yet set up a time for someone to come out and take measurements and let us know how much they charge to haul out the old carpet. 

Did something I rarely do and ended up napping for a few hours. Periods and cramps always wear me down.

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