Sunday, April 27, 2014

Thanks to my hormone-depleted brain, I forgot to shave my calves after I shaved my thighs the other day, but I am otherwise ok. Tomorrow’s the last of the 50 mcg pills, then it’s onto 75s and hopefully a better lab score in a couple of months. 

I would really like to know how the hell someone asked me a question on my old Formspring account, which I guess is now called Spring Me, which has long since been deactivated. I got a notification saying someone asked me a question, but when I activated the account, nothing was there. I then deactivated it once again since I don’t use it. I checked the notification again and it looks pretty legit to me and not like some scam or a promotional attempt. I think the notification was probably meant for another member. 

I’m worried about Paula now since my dream where she was terminally ill seemed to mean something after all. I highly doubt she’ll die, but she needs to have a huge cyst removed from her uterus that may very well be cancerous. I’m surprised they don’t just do a full hysterectomy, especially at her age. As scary as it may be, I think they’ll be able to get rid of the problem. I just wish she had a better support system. Her family isn’t very close, what little of it actually exists. 

We touched up the hallway today, so that is completely done. Still gotta touch up the bedrooms and the living room, though, then paint the kitchen, baths and laundry room. I had to laugh at Tammy's reaction to the very pink walls. Not her cup of tea any more than her Toasted Cashew is mine. 

Tom is on the hunt for a new car. He was torn between a new economy car and an older luxury car, and when I say “older,” I don’t mean 20 years old. I doubt whatever we get will be more than 5-10 years if it isn’t new. He went on to tell me about loans, financing, banks, interest rates and plans to pay off the 3-year loan much sooner, but of course I don’t remember much of what he said. 

I will always write with gay/lesbian leads in support of equality but I’m keeping it smut-free for two reasons. One is so that it may appeal to a wider age-range and, and two is so that I don’t have to implement the adult content warning which I would be obligated to do according to Blogger’s TOS. That screen is a pain in the ass to have to go through to get to the blog, so I’d rather just keep it clean even if I try to keep that blog unknown to most people. 

Still don’t expect to make much money at writing. It’s too all or nothing of a business. You either get famous or you remain a nobody. There isn’t much of an in-between in the writing world, and I’m not an outstanding writer like some of the big-name people are. It’s like with the singing. Celine Dion and Mariah Carey are the 10s. I’m just the 7. I’m actually a better journalist than when it comes to fiction. Not many people can keep a journal for over 27 years and in such detail. So… I’m a great journalist, but just a good novelist. 

Had strange and unfavorable dreams last night. I was sitting at my computer in one dream when I looked out the window and saw (a cop?) approaching the house. Whoever it was, I didn’t want them to see me so the instant I saw them I hit the floor. In real life, though, if they walked up to the windows they could see me if the blinds were open. Your best bet is to run down into the hall, bathrooms or master bedroom. That bedroom has blackout shades AND curtains. If no light can get in, neither can nosy eyes. 

In another dream, I sent a message to Tammy saying that I and a few friends were going to stay holed up in a hotel during a horrible storm that was to come through, and named these friends I don’t even have. 

In the last dream, I was sharing a hotel room with a young blond girl I’d just met who was “assigned” to my room. Even though I didn’t seem to want to be there, it was mandatory that we both be there for some reason. The girl introduced herself to me after arriving at the room shortly after I got there and seemed very nice. She left some things of hers on the dresser, then she took off. I was bored out of my mind for hours, wishing she would return so I could have someone to chat with. Then my computer magically appeared but I couldn’t get it to work right.

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