Friday, April 4, 2014

Made my run in 33 minutes, so I’m averaging just under 4 MPH. Wish I could bring it to 5 or 6 but not at this age/weight. Just in time, though, cuz it started raining after I returned. 

I have a lot to do today, so this isn’t going to be very long. I still have laundry to do, a grocery list to make up, my book to work on, and other things. I’m pleased with how the book is going so far and will share it if I finish it. 

Next door came and went 3 times in 4 hours and I wondered why the car door slamming seemed louder and more annoying when I remembered I had the window open on that side. Still, why can’t they stay put more often like everyone else around here? It’s just after 8:30, so the first run of the day should occur any second now. 

We assembled the second doll case yesterday, which went faster now that we’ve already put one together. They sure are big cases. I’ve wanted one for my Summer Dream bride doll for ages and am glad she finally has one. 

All that happened in yesterday’s meeting at work was that they commended everyone for doing a great job. Tom says he might’ve already gotten a raise since they didn’t announce it last year either, but IDK. I have a feeling he’ll never make big bucks no matter where he works and no matter how hard he works and the experience he has. Like something up there will let him have good bucks, but not big bucks. 


“What’s that banging?” Tom asked me when I entered the room he was in. 

“Jesus,” I told him. 

Haha, I once won one of those mini Sexy Jesus figurines attached to a small round metal platform that is attached to a coil spring. Not knowing where the hell to put it, I just stuck it on the side of the washing machine. As I threw something into it, Jesus got hit in the head and started rocking so hard he hit the sides of it. 

Tom could have worked tomorrow but decided not to since we don’t need the extra money right now and are anxious to get on with the painting. The more we do before the new carpet, the better, and we’re not getting the carpet till we get the money from Florida. 

The 10th is when they do the next bulk trash pickup, so we’re going to put out the things most likely to be taken by people hunting for what usable items they can find on the night of the 8th. There’s only so much you can put out for free, so the more they take, the more we can put out. Most of what will go out is furniture the previous owners left here. If someone else can use the couch, stools and dressers – great. I don’t mind if we have to wait a while to get a new couch. We have a deluxe raised double airbed Andy can sleep on when he visits. We also want to get rid of the old dishwasher and some boxes. Some of the boxes will have old junk like the old curtains. 

Sugar is still doing his “Stevie Wonder” thing as Tom calls it. He can move easier now but is still blind. Therefore, he lifts his nose straight up and sort of bobs his head back and forth like Stevie Wonder often would do when playing the piano. He was out today for the first time since the stroke but didn’t go very far. He can’t control his bowels anymore since he dropped some turds in the dining area. 

My normally shy Romeo is more affectionate since he’s unable to get much attention from Sugar. His back felt a bit greasy. Definitely gotta consider getting a baby ratty to help keep him clean. 

Only Kim and Deb can know if they ever got my mail/message, but why my wall post on Deb’s friend’s wall disappeared has me wondering. Did he delete it? If so, then he would have seen it and probably would’ve told Deb about it. 

But why do my messages still appear as unread, and why hasn’t anyone said anything about the wall post if it was indeed seen? They probably marked the messages as unread, if they saw them, then went silent and didn’t block me in hopes of me incriminating myself, but that’s it. I’m done with the sick bitch. Typically, though, I have learned that when people remain silent and don’t react in any way, they either want to make you wonder if you got through to them, or they hope to encourage you to give them something they can get you with. Well, God knows this Mexican bitch loves to get people.

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