Sunday, July 12, 2015

Carol called yesterday afternoon wanting to know if she could pick up the perch and a few other things at noon today instead of yesterday. We said that would be fine. Her daughter has a truck, so they’re going to move it in that. 

Simone isn’t up for adoption this weekend, I don’t think, because they currently have so many cats. I still miss and don’t miss her. I miss running around with her, but I like knowing that the lip gloss I placed on this desk isn’t going to move until I move it. 

Woke up feeling tired again, like I did yesterday, but I’m becoming more functional. Have a slight headache, too. 

We’ve been so busy that we still haven’t gotten around to the casino or getting new glasses, which we both need. I was supposed to go to an eye specialist a year ago due to OH, but never did because I had the medication crisis going on at the time, and as those who know me well know, recovery took months. I’m just glad it took months and not years, as some other problems have taken (poverty, blacks). 

I vacuumed the place, including the couch, and I’m starting to feel better. I didn’t think I would feel better this fast, so yeah, it was definitely her messing up my lungs. 

Last night I dreamed that Tammy, Mark and myself were staying in a hotel somewhere. It was a huge building and they were on one of the lower floors. I spent most of the day bored in my room, waiting for her to call because I thought she had something planned for us to do that day, wherever we were. They knew the area well, could drive, and had more experience with vacation planning. So I left it to them, knowing they would prefer to take care of things anyway, and trusted that I would love anything they had planned for us. 

I listened to some music and then checked the weather for the day. It was to be 81°. 

Finally, I wanted to call her to see what was going on but couldn’t remember her room number. Then I realized I could just call her cell from mine. I picked up my phone to find it dead so I plugged it in the charger. 

I was back home in the next dream, only the park looked different. The person next to us had a double-car garage that had been chock full of stuff. The fact that they were clearing it out made me worry that they were doing it so someone could move in and live in it. Especially since I could spot a tiny room with a toilet, sink and shower stall in it. 

Then I was swimming in a pond or lake with another resident and we were talking about how someone’s dog died and they were moving because they were too old to stay there, and how much I wanted to move to Hawaii.

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