Friday, July 24, 2015

We don’t know the details yet, but Tom is going to receive a new job title and a raise. Very proud of him! Although we still agree he’s not being paid fairly, it is nice to know that every little bit will help us retire comfortably in the end. We may never be able to retire in Hawaii, but we’re certainly going to be smarter than my mother was. My mother was obsessed with material things like crazy and she spent and spent and spent, like it was an addiction or something, maxing out one credit card after another. Then the mounting health issues came and we could only bleed out so much money from them in the end, most of which was divvied up between their grandkids. 

I’m a little pissed at myself for canceling the shrink, as unnecessary as it is because I think that if I pushed my schedule just a little harder I could have made it. I do want to get it out of the way. Tom is still going to take that day off so we can finally go to the casino. 

Love how our new recycle bin has handles on its cover. It stinks, though, of plastic, since it’s new. 

Not impressed with the anime doll and not getting any more of them either. She’s cute but she's just too small for the price, and she was half the usual cost to begin with. Then again, she's not even worth five dollars unless you like dolls that small. 

I tried to talk myself into a bike ride but I just wouldn't listen. Instead, I will take my Dutch lesson, work on my book, do some online work, and finish the laundry and grocery list. This weekend I will be eating the last of the Atkins no-nos before beginning the Atkins 40 diet plan. I’m doing it to see how it makes me feel and not to lose weight. As I’ve said a million times before, and as only one in my shoes could ever understand, it takes shit for calories to lose weight with Hashimoto’s and it’s just not worth the misery. 

The Atkins 40 plan, unlike the Atkins 20 plan, allows for 40 net carbs a day. It’s also for those with less than 40 pounds to lose and that don’t have a waist over 35 inches, or a waist over 40 inches if you’re a man. Not sure my PCP would approve this since they’ve got me listed as a cardiac risk, but I’m not worried about it, and it’s not like I will be doing it forever. 

I had negative dreams last night. First I was fighting with a woman over a ring I supposedly lent her that she would not return, and trying to figure a way to use her computer without her knowledge. I seemed to believe she had evidence of something bad that I wanted to send someone copies of. 

Then I was afraid that Tom was going to be going to this very strange jail. It was both an indoor and outdoor jail. I was looking into the grounds from outside the fence to see if any of the prisoners recently brought in might be Tom. Someone pushed open a flap window and called out something to someone outside, and then I saw a woman being frisked that had just arrived, but no sign of Tom. 

A split second later I was swimming in some type of river or stream where I spotted a snake in the water and promptly climbed out. I then desperately searched my mind for ways to ensure that Tom didn’t go to jail, even if that meant I had to bribe, threaten or even kill those involved in whatever it was I thought he might get thrown in jail for.

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