Monday, July 20, 2015

Rescheduled the stupid shrink for December 8th, the day before my follow-up with A, and am liking my newest and probably the last of the bronze nude erotic ladies. 

My rat silhouette stickers came and I love them! They look awesome above the living room windows. I have six of them in there, one in the kitchen, and one in the second bedroom. 

Going to be making some healthier changes to my diet, although I don’t expect any weight loss. As I told Andy, if one needs 1200 calories to lose weight, they’ll lose the weight whether it’s 1200 cals of healthy or unhealthy food. Even my doctors have said this. Quality matters for health, but quantity is the key to weight loss. 

The problem with Hashimoto’s is that our calories have to be cut so incredibly low due to an inability to burn cals normally that it’s not worth the hunger and fatigue. I don’t think he gets this, but as they say, we can state the facts but we can’t always make people understand things, LOL. Especially if they haven’t experienced it themselves. Not all bodies react the same to whatever. 25 years ago it would have been hard for me to imagine myself as I am today. But like it or not, willing to accept/believe it or not, when it comes to actual weight loss, men are different from women and those with Hashimoto’s are different from those without it. But to try to tell myself I’ll one day be 110-120 pounds would be as ridiculous as saying I’m going to grow 5”, and I’m not going to kid myself like that. I’m almost 50 now, not 25. As they say, better to change what we can and accept what we can’t. 

What’s more important than how pretty I can look in the eyes of others is my health and how I feel. I know we live in an appearance-obsessed society and I’m supposed to do all I can to look pretty and all that, but I can’t live that way. I’m me and others are others. Oh, I love things like nail polish and all that, but I do that for me. Besides, one way you know people like you for you and not your appearance is when they stick around knowing you’re big. On the other hand, being about 25 pounds overweight hardly makes me that big. 

My only real complaint is the belly fat I’ve accumulated these last few years. No matter what I eat and no matter how many crunches I do, I still have quite a bloat on. I realize this is a normal part of aging and that there is only so much control I have over it. Keeping things from getting worse is a lot easier than keeping things from getting better when it comes to things like that. But no matter what our age or size, healthier eating is always a good thing, not that I’m unhealthy or anything like that. As long as those of us with Hashimoto’s take our medication, we’re not unhealthy, we just don’t lose weight. But it can’t hurt to go from healthy to healthier and so I’m determined to basically cut out more sugar and cook foods from scratch, rather than get cooked, seasoned and processed foods. Andy gave me a list of suggestions. 

Facebook finally implemented a positive change. Still waiting for them to give us more privacy so that we can basically separate our friends and keep our interactions with them separate from others. Andy doesn’t need to know when I post to my sister’s wall and I don’t need to know when he wishes someone a happy birthday. We don’t need to know every time we “like” something either. 

Anyway, I like how they made it so that if a post of yours gets several comments you can reply directly to a specific person without tagging them. I rarely tagged anybody anyway, because I know most people don’t appreciate that and that they’re going to get a notification regardless saying that a comment was left.

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