Wednesday, July 29, 2015

One of Tom’s coworkers is an Indian woman who recently returned from maternity leave. Well, he’s been getting a crash course in Indian culture and OMG! Now we weren’t 100% Indian culture illiterate after staying with Tina, Raj and his parents up in Oregon for a while. But even so, they have some traditions, that while they may seem perfectly reasonable to them as it’s all they’ve ever known, seem pretty far out to Tom and I. I like how a woman who doesn’t drive, or who is unable to work or who simply prefers to stay at home isn’t judged and condemned in their culture, but some things we learned really made us go, WTF? It’s fascinating, it’s interesting, but it’s weird, and I mean really damn weird. 

Not only are the marriages arranged, but a woman cannot leave home the first month after the baby is born. Not even to go to the grocery store. LOL, here in the US people would be quicker than quick to scream, “Lazy! Wrong! All wrong! Get out and get some fresh air! Get back to work!” 

They also can’t name their own kids. They have to go to their priest or pastor or whatever the hell they call them, and they are then given initials from which to choose their name. 

So at one point, she told Tom that her in-laws would be arriving soon. He asked her how long they would be staying and she said, “Forever.” 

Haha, it’s a tradition for the parents to move in with their oldest son once he marries. What if the son never marries? I wonder. 

Even stranger is the bedroom sharing where the parents have their kids sleep with them, including teenage kids. How do they expect to ever get any privacy that way? 

Anyway, I understand that most countries have their own cultures, but if you’re going to keep invading our country with your presence as if we didn’t already have enough people here, you should adapt to American culture. Within reason, anyway. 

Last night I dreamed of hanging out with my sister and nieces and riding around the park. Only the park in the dreams had sidewalks. As I stopped to wait for a car to straighten out that was aiming for its garage, the male driver said something to me that I couldn’t make out. 

I am really pissed off for Tom with the way they keep promising him a new title and a raise at work yet never come through. I hate people that say they’re going to do things they don’t do, or that say they want something they don’t want. All his life God has made sure that no matter how hard he works, he is never paid fairly. Always, always gotta hold Tom S back and make sure he gets the short end of the stick. While most get the typical 50K for 2015, he’s still stuck with his 2001 income. 

At this point, as soon as they said their line of bullshit again, I’d be quick to say, “Say that one more time and I’m outa here!” 

Seriously, I feel totally insulted for him and pissed off at God… if one exists. I don’t care that we have enough money to survive. I still don’t like seeing him not get what he should get. They should have annual wage laws. If 50K really is the norm, then no one should get less than that unless they work part-time. 

Meanwhile, no matter where he works, God’s going to always make sure he doesn’t get what he deserves. 


Andy's bragging on Facebook that he's now lost 25 pounds… and I've gained weight today on less than 1400 cals and plenty of activity. I'm not complaining but I don't get it. I just don't get it. If the medication has made me close enough to normal, then why doesn't my body respond to diet and exercise? *shrugs* I guess that just like always… if the weight is determined to hang on no matter what I do, then it must be meant to be there.

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