Friday, July 10, 2015

This cat is crazy! Really, she is driving me so crazy tonight, getting underfoot, constantly whining, and just going totally wild. I will remember this, and my allergies, every time I get to missing her when she’s gone. Just one more day in Crazyville. She’s been way more distracting and way more work than I anticipated. I don’t mind hard work, mind you, but I would rather it be on stories and languages, even if no one will ever pay me to do it any more than they’d pay me to own a cat. 

I will be cleaning and washing things like crazy next week to get rid of as much of the dander as I can. 

What else can I complain about? How about the weather? The last two days have felt more like fall than summer. We had to wait so long for summer to kick in this year, and now this. :( I appreciate the savings, but one’s AC should be running in the summer even in the middle of the night unless they live in Klamath Falls, Oregon. 

They’re saying the drought could be nearing its end and El NiƱo could dump lots of rain, and even flooding, on NorCal this winter. Yeah? Well, I’ll believe it when I see it. Would love that, though. If it’s going to be cold anyway, might as well rain more people indoors and get a little more peace since winters are typically noisier here than summers. 

Cold or not, this is a better anniversary than yesterday was. Today we’ve been in this house for two years. It was a very emotional day for me in a very good way. 

Got my last temperature color-changing polish, but need to let my nails grow a bit longer. The longer the better for this stuff. Got the eyeshadow/liner pencils too, but eh, not that impressed with those. I’m so pale that some of them don’t even show up, and where’s the glitter? No es purpurina. :( 

I decided to drop the trilogy idea and just do one whole story. While Enslaved may be a fitting title, I’ve decided to go with Rainstorm. 

Tammy said she had some ideas for my story and to send her a little at a time if I would like her input. Hmm… that’s nice, but why the interest? It’s not like her to be into this sort of thing. Does she simply find this interesting, or does she want to know she had some say in the story in case I ever make any real money at writing? She just doesn’t usually do something like this unless there’s something in it for her. I still see no way I’ll ever make any serious money writing, but that’s ok. It’s still fun. 

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